Published Jun 21, 2011
359 Posts
how is everyone getting ready for cpne, i have been reading some of the journals on the discussion board? there's quite a few of us on the "cpne club" how are you studying for it? anyone doing a workshop?
brenan, ASN, LPN, RN
239 Posts
Im using Rob's DVD's and I am doing Sheri Taylors online workshop. I love them both. They really break down what is expected of you and tell you exactly what you need to do to prepare. Sheri offers online careplan help which is really great cause I need help with my careplans. I have my "lab" set up down stairs in my basement which I have a dummy, Iv with my secondary to practive drip rate calculations, I made my own wound, Rob tells you how to do it and I have my IM and SubQ station down stairs as well. I have all my numonics memorized and practice doing all the assessments on my dummy. So far so good. Good luck to you.
720 Posts
Sheri's online workshop, Rob's videos, I have my garage (had to move out of the spare bedroom, had too much stuff LOL) set up with a lab, I've got an IV pole with my primary/secondary, a fake hand with an IV in it, lots of oranges for my IM/SQ and also swim noodles peices (sometimes they are easier to inject into), two wounds and lots of supplies. Waiting for my blow up doll to get here and my peds patient is running around watching Suite life right now LOL. I have the documents all printed out and put in sleeves and I write on them with dry erase markers, and then my white board I write my grid on. I have been stalking the EPN and printing any kind of grid or tips that I think will help and there are lots of good resources on here too, if you look under Excelsior info on the stickies you will find Lunah and Ivan's CPNE notes which are fantabulous!!!!
I have I think 78 days left.....
383 Posts
Hey everyone, good luck to those testing soon.
I've been reading the study guide, I actually printed the whole thing
Was thinking about taking Sheri's online workshop, still debating. I've also been reading Excelsiors boards and copying a lot of tips people post.
572 Posts
I setup stations in my guest room, am STILL going thru the study guide (lots of great info in there), working on careplans, and sheri taylors online workshop. Feeling very overwhelmed. Last weekend I booked my flight and hotel (thanks to anjule!) and I still need to rent a car.....I think my money tree quit growing!!! lol
I also am "perfecting" my critical element mneumonics so I can make sure they are correct and not missing anything. On here and EPN like crazy!
No idea if I am where I SHOULD be or not....
i planted a tree of money, but in two days all gone stress, get this... i usually use google search to come to this site, instead of typing "allnurses" i typed "allison" - thank god she is not tired of me yet, @ least i don't think :)
don't know what i would do without all of you specially you, al....thanks for all your help!
I completely agree with you WestPalm- you guys are my lifesavers!!!
i planted a tree of money, but in two days all gone stress, get this... i usually use google search to come to this site, instead of typing "allnurses" i typed "allison" - thank god she is not tired of me yet, @ least i don't think :) don't know what i would do without all of you specially you, al....thanks for all your help!
awww!! you silly girl lmao. don't get stressed. we will get through this together! i think my son is tired of me chasing him with a stethoscope. he just bit me.
wow... 528 pages, finally have some free time @ work to print the study guide... so much info.
145 Posts
I'm testing in Lubbock on 10/14. Just got my date this week. I ordered Sheri Taylors CPNE guide which breaks down the EC guide. I really like it so far. Was thinking about flying to Atlanta for the workshop but seems a lot of people really like Rob's videos and Sheri's online workshop so may just do those.
Will set up my "lab" or "hospital" room in my spare bedroom to practice. Thinking about ordering a IV pole/infusion pump off ebay or something so I can get practice. I'm sure I'll find more stuff to spend money on!!
Just searching the internet for any good info or tips.
5 Posts
Has anybody done the Chancellor's Careplan Lab? Is it helpful or do you recommend another workshop?
I know someone who did chancellors hands on wkshop and it was amazing!!!