I'm so upset. A coworker (on a different shift) reported to my supervisor (about 1 month ago) that I hadn't finished CAPD with my patient. I distinctly remember this patient, and incident, AND can walk through every detail of my completing her CAPD. She also told my supervisor that I did not know why a patient was on Heparin, which I do not recall b/c I would always find out WHY a patient was on Hep gtt. I just got a final written warning today (I had made 1 med error 2 wks ago, my first and only one - which they said counted as my first warning). This med error was on the final warning as well. I am one to own up to my errors, and always take responsibility for my actions. My issue isn't with the warning about the med error b/c I had made that error and own up to it completely. No harm was done to the patient which is my first concern!
BUT... before I signed this warning, I did make a note that this report of my not completing the CAPD was incorrect, and explained the situation. Also I wrote a note stating I did not recall "not knowing" why the patient was getting Heparin.
I've had multiple problems with this one staff member. She is belittling, disrespectful, and beyond the point of verbal abuse with her outbursts. I don't like her, but am always respectful and professional. In a little emotional state, I nearly went to the floor to confront her, but regained my wits and drove home allowing myself "cool off" time and to get my thoughts together.
I DO want to confront this coworker. I feel that letting this go without mention would only admit any wrong doing on my part AND continue to allow her to act this way toward me. I am a very kind, low key, unfrazzled person - but, this is the last straw with her.
I would like some advice on how others would approach this situation with her. I have a little scripted sentence of what I'd like to say to her, but would like your opinions.
I want to make my point, but I also want to do so professionally. I feel this cannot go without be addressed with her.
Thank you SO much everyone!