Published Dec 31, 2020
47 Posts
I had my first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine today at 1p. Almost immediately following administration, I began to feel tachycardic, with some mild tingling/numbness to my lips and tongue. I kept checking for swelling and never developed any. No trouble breathing either. It never felt serious enough to warrant emergency intervention. Subsided completely after an hour or so. It’s unclear if I reacted to the vaccine. Was it psychosomatic? Has anyone experienced a reaction like this?
Thanks in advance for your insight!
2,453 Posts
Curious- were you nervous or apprehensive prior to the shot?
The symptoms you describe are consistent with anxiety. I am not an expert on allergic reactions, but have dealt with plenty. None like that.
5 hours ago, hherrn said: Curious- were you nervous or apprehensive prior to the shot? The symptoms you describe are consistent with anxiety. I am not an expert on allergic reactions, but have dealt with plenty. None like that.
I definitely was nervous, but even with nerves I’ve never responded in that way..