Published Jul 22, 2005
27 Posts
Im going into the Georgian-York Program in the fall and I have 8 courses in the fall. It seems like it is an awful lot to me compared to other programs having only 5. Do your programs have 8 courses? Thanks
28 Posts
How many hours does that work out to in a week? Maybe looking at it that way will make it seem better.
In my program (a second entry BScN program) we only have 3 courses at a time in year one...some only for 7 weeks BUT some courses are many, many hours per week (eg. one class was 6hrs lecture + 2hrs lab per week). We were in lecture & clinical approximately 30hrs/week. Then add reading/writing papers on top of that. It was definitely more time that most other programs.
Good luck :)
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Hey if you can handle it more the power to you. I took 5 the first semeseter and people thought I was insane. I even had to sign a waiver to the school stating that I was strongly adviced not to and if I failed or could not handle it I was on my own.
I took the courses and got 4 a's and 1 a-
I wish you the best of luck. :)
8,343 Posts
Are all the courses 3 credit courses? Then yes, it probably is unless you are Superhuman. School is also homework and making new relationships plus having a life outside the classroom.
There were times that we had more than five courses per semester but some only ran for seven weeks and were worth one or two credit hours.
Check with the programme and see what info they have. We were encouraged not to work ahead course wise but keep to the outline.
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
My first semester had 11 courses but some were shorter than others