Countdown to LS2

Nursing Students Online Learning


Specializes in ED.

I am three days away from LS2, and I think I should. Everyone says know your mental health and well I got 60% of mental health right on practice test 1 and when I do my Saunders cd I get 70% right every time. I don't ever get questions regarding mental health medications. I don't know if I can do this. Help!!!

I should reschedule to Saturday, but the I am only giving myself three days total to refresh my memory on my LS3 and get prepared for retesting on it. What to do where to go from here ahhhh.

Don't get nervous!! How did you do on LS1? LS2 and 3 are no harder than LS1, they have a bad reputation :-)

Did you take the EC practice tests, and if so, how were your scores?

Specializes in ED.

I got a D on LS1 back when it was a nursing concept exam, and in January I got a D on LS3. I have only taken practice test 1 and didn't do too hot, but will be doing practice test 2 this evening. If I don't get at least 65 I'm rescheduling. I am hoping to do a lot better than that. I have ls2 on the 6th, ls1 on the 12th, and ls3 on the 18th. On the 7th I'm doing the sociology Clep. Then all I have left is micro (which I'll be done with online in 8 weeks), and anatomy and physiology.

good luck on ls2.. that's what i am actually studying for at the moment... good luck to you

Specializes in GI, Outpatient Surgery.
I got a D on LS1 back when it was a nursing concept exam, and in January I got a D on LS3. I have only taken practice test 1 and didn't do too hot, but will be doing practice test 2 this evening. If I don't get at least 65 I'm rescheduling. I am hoping to do a lot better than that. I have ls2 on the 6th, ls1 on the 12th, and ls3 on the 18th. On the 7th I'm doing the sociology Clep. Then all I have left is micro (which I'll be done with online in 8 weeks), and anatomy and physiology.

Holy Cow girl! I wouldnt be able to keep my head on straight!! lol Good Luck!!!

Specializes in Surgery, Med/Surg/ICU, OB-Peds, Ophth.
I am three days away from LS2, and I think I should. Everyone says know your mental health and well I got 60% of mental health right on practice test 1 and when I do my Saunders cd I get 70% right every time. I don't ever get questions regarding mental health medications. I don't know if I can do this. Help!!!

I should reschedule to Saturday, but the I am only giving myself three days total to refresh my memory on my LS3 and get prepared for retesting on it. What to do where to go from here ahhhh.

It may be better to reschedule your exam a few days just to give you a little more confidence and ease your nerves a bit. I am very very anxious to get done, but I had to push myself to April 22 for LS2 because I am just not ready this week (when I wanted to test, on vacation next week). Do you need to finish these exams this close together? If not, consider giving your self a wee bit more wiggle room, you have a pretty full plate with these big exams this close! Good luck :D

Specializes in Tele/Neuro/Trauma.

Man I had the perfect patient to go along with my LS2 studying all weekend. God seems to provide me a learning curve everytime at work for the test I am working on and I am so greatful for my job, even though it's sooo stressful. This guy had end stage liver failure, cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, leaking varices, acute renal failure, metabolic acidosis, hypoparathyroidism and uncontrolled diabetes (he came in with as a trauma w/a fractured femur and massive internal hemorrhage and I gave him almost a full volume transfusion, platelet pheresis, Vitamin K, Bicarb, IV insulin and D50 among a other things... but those were his metabolic/regulatory issues). Helped put SO much together for me. I printed out all of his lab work and progress notes from each night I worked and have been using that with my study guides.

I think I will be ready by April 12 if I can just nail the mental health part. I am excited to be so close to being done with nursing theory courses!!!! :-)

Westpalm stopped by your office to see you this AM but they said you went for coffee!! We will have to catch up soon :-)

Specializes in ED.

I am going away to play soldier for a few months and I was trying to get done before then or at least done with all my nursing theory and fcca. Then when I get back just tackling my CPNE. I am rescheduling for thursday or friday if available. I need to be done with all of this already. ~sigh

Specializes in LTC, Clinic, Med/Surg, Ortho.

Good luck MsPc.

yes, bev. told me, i text you... glad to hear that you are ready to test... still trying to finish mental health haven't touch anything else. give me a call this week if you are able to get together i really needs some motivation....

talk to you soon.

man i had the perfect patient to go along with my ls2 studying all weekend. god seems to provide me a learning curve everytime at work for the test i am working on and i am so greatful for my job, even though it's sooo stressful. this guy had end stage liver failure, cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy, ascites, leaking varices, acute renal failure, metabolic acidosis, hypoparathyroidism and uncontrolled diabetes (he came in with as a trauma w/a fractured femur and massive internal hemorrhage and i gave him almost a full volume transfusion, platelet pheresis, vitamin k, bicarb, iv insulin and d50 among a other things... but those were his metabolic/regulatory issues). helped put so much together for me. i printed out all of his lab work and progress notes from each night i worked and have been using that with my study guides.

i think i will be ready by april 12 if i can just nail the mental health part. i am excited to be so close to being done with nursing theory courses!!!! :-)

westpalm stopped by your office to see you this am but they said you went for coffee!! we will have to catch up soon :-)

Specializes in Tele/Neuro/Trauma.
yes, bev. told me, i text you... glad to hear that you are ready to test... still trying to finish mental health haven't touch anything else. give me a call this week if you are able to get together i really needs some motivation....

talk to you soon.

i get close to no phone service at my house sometimes and my text messages come usually like 4 days later in a huge quantity, lmao. i am ready but now i have no where to test. i am going to call katia in psl and see if she can squeeze me in on a day that isn't posted on my pearson site since pearson cancelled all my tests this month. i will ask my parents if they can babysit for me soon, hopefully we can get together and study :-)

i am taking ls psych in deerfield on the 26th. how do i get there??? is it hard to find?

Specializes in ED.

Well I think I'm pretty ready for every part of the exam except Metabolic. I brought my scores on the Saunders up to 80 in each area except the Metabolic. I'm scheduled for Thursday but think I'm going to change it back to tomorrow afternoon. I'm just studying studying studying and oh so tired.

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