Could I handle nursing school?

Nurses Career Support


Well, let me give a little background information on me.

I'm a 23 year old autistic. However, I'm an aspie...

Anyway, I have spent years fixing my problems.......

1.) Was really skinny. Now, I am a 180 pound bodybuilder

2.) I was unable to hold employement. I have worked in a hospital for a couple years as a transporter

3.) I am able to mask my aspergers so well to the point where no one see's it.

Anyway, I decided that I want a more complex job within a hospital. So, I am considering going back to school for Nursing.

Sadly, I have this hunch that I really won't make it very far in the program due to how my brain is just genetically wired. Although, I have worked in a hospital for a few years now and met a lot of people who were socially off......

Took a watered down anatomy class and it was VERY hard for me. I just can't see myself getting far in Nursing. So, I considered doing something else like x-ray tech.

Any advice? I think I would like helping patients get on the path to feeling better

I guess as long as I am posting on a Nursing forum, how many young women pursue nursing simply to marry a doctor/pharmasist. At my hospital, it seems like quite a bit.

I would guess that is a misperception on your part. Most of the nurses I work with are in stable relationships. They are in nursing to have their own careers, not to meet a rich fellow to marry. This is an antiquated perception of nursing and will win you no friends among nurses, fyi.

I don't know, though, maybe I am mistaken; are you going into nursing to marry a rich doctor or pharmacist?

definatly a hard worker.....took me NEARLY a decade to get into bodybuilder shape.....and i worked my ******* (pardon my language)ass off each year of the hardest workers at work!!!!

Definatly will to change and take self critism

I guess as long as I am posting on a Nursing forum, how many young women pursue nursing simply to marry a doctor/pharmasist. At my hospital, it seems like quite a bit.

Go for it and don't let being and "aspie" stop you. I personally have a close friend who is an aspie, so I kinda understand what it is like. The fact that you are considering nursing is highly commendable. You do have to be very strong to handle nursing. You must know how to handle criticism because there will be alot of it. Don't take things too personal or you will suffer. Performing your nursing skills isn't the hard part, it is dealing with all of the BS surrounding doing it, working with other people and their emotions etc. I do understand that some aspies have some trouble with interpreting others emotions, not all but some, so if you can deal with the emotional aspect of nursing you are halfway there. When you get into nursing school, do yourself a favor and become a chameleon, stay out of the nursing school drama. Don't worry about why others are going for nursing, just focus on why you are.

I agree with a previous poster that you should consider becoming a nurse aid. You'll "move up" in the hospital and it's a great way to tell if you can handle nursing. You can usually take a CNA class at your local community college or the hospital may be willing to train you. I'm sure the nurses will love to have a body-builder type to help them, because there can be a lot of heavy lifting.

For me, working as a CNA was a really positive experience. It showed me that nursing was a really good match for me. Now that I'm in nursing school, I have a lot of experience that is making my classwork a lot easier than it is for many of my peers. Good luck! :)

I would guess that is a misperception on your part. Most of the nurses I work with are in stable relationships. They are in nursing to have their own careers, not to meet a rich fellow to marry. This is an antiquated perception of nursing and will win you no friends among nurses, fyi.

I don't know, though, maybe I am mistaken; are you going into nursing to marry a rich doctor or pharmacist?

Yep, that isnt selfish at ALL now is it? Why don't I just enter a profession where lives are at stake and do a bad job.....but hey as long as I meet a doctor right?:uhoh3::uhoh3:

Anyway, I have no intentions of leeching of a doctor,pharmasist or any other women for that matter. It's very socially un-acceptable for men to do this. Men rarley date women with better jobs than them. It makes us feel uncomfortable.

I guess this is just an aspie perspective. However, we really don't like to date women with better jobs than us.

I think I heard of one nurse who was dating a doctor.....might be an exception though

Specializes in Critical Care.

I think the hardest part for you being a nurse with aspergers, would be working with patients and co-workers. Which you seem to be able to do right now. You will see harder social situations when working with patients and the interdisciplinary team as a nurse, but if you've been able to work through it so far, you could most likely continue to learn to handle it. As for nursing school, If you decide to do it, just make sure you instructors understand your asperger's so they can help you learn to deal with things as the come up.

As for people becoming a nurse to marry a doctor. I would say they marry a doctor or pharmacist, more because they see these people so much at work, and because they work similar schedules. I think I know more nurses that are in a relationship with another nurse, nursing student, or even medics and techs. I've been in a relationship with another nurse for about 4 years now. It works well because we are both adjusted to long shifts, working nights, weekends, and holidays. Also, both being in healthcare, we understand that dark humor that comes with the job instead of being offended.

Good answers. I guess my final question is.

If I was a nurse married to say another nurse....could I make enough to save for when im old? Dont really plan on having kids.....I just dont want them to have to go through a couple decades of hell like I did

Specializes in Hospice.
Well, let me give a little background information on me.

I'm a 23 year old autistic. However, I'm an aspie...

Anyway, I have spent years fixing my problems.......

1.) Was really skinny. Now, I am a 180 pound bodybuilder

2.) I was unable to hold employement. I have worked in a hospital for a couple years as a transporter

3.) I am able to mask my aspergers so well to the point where no one see's it.

Anyway, I decided that I want a more complex job within a hospital. So, I am considering going back to school for Nursing.

Sadly, I have this hunch that I really won't make it very far in the program due to how my brain is just genetically wired. Although, I have worked in a hospital for a few years now and met a lot of people who were socially off......

Took a watered down anatomy class and it was VERY hard for me. I just can't see myself getting far in Nursing. So, I considered doing something else like x-ray tech.

Any advice? I think I would like helping patients get on the path to feeling better

Good luck. Nursing School is hard for EVERYBODY. Every person is completely different Autism or not and so there is no black and white answer. The Struggle that might be an issues for some people with Aspergers is getting past that literal thinking that is somewhat hardwired in manys minds. With nursing you have to be able to think outside the box, evaluate each individual situation and make a decision based on that individual situation. You and those who know you best will be the best judge of your individual strengths in that area. Sonography might be a interesting prospect. Good luck!

Kringe, I also have severe social anxiety and am going for it, too! Your post inspired me...glad I ran across it. :)

I think something like lab or xray tech sound like it may be a good fit for you!! Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

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