Published Jan 24, 2010
1 Post
I am a 47 yr old wife & mother. Always wanted to be a nurse, but never had the time or confidence. My kids are are grown now, I work in a Dr's office and I am now seriously considering going to nursing school. My problem is I am not confident that I can do it. I would need all pre-reqs and its been so long since I've been to school. Anhyone out there who has been in my shoes and can advise me?
iPink, BSN, RN
1,414 Posts
You must put all fears away and "Just Do It!" If this has been a long time dream of yours, you must conquer that dream or you'll play the "what if" game.
Step One: Look into ADN programs in your area and look what is required. If you have a degree already in another field, you may also want to look at prospect Accelerated BSN programs.
Step two: After narrowing down your schools, list some questions/concerns and contact the Director to allow him/her to answers all your questions. This should give you some confidence and fuel excitement in you to start making your steps toward your goal as a Nurse.
I'm currently taking my prerequisites and some of my peers are doing this part-time because they are a spouse and have small children to raise, but they are taking it one step at a time. Just as they aren't giving up, neither should you. Although I'm not in your similar situation, I still have to encourage you. As long as you have discussed with your spouse about you returning to school and they are supportive with this decision, you must accomplish your goal.
Coriander, BSN, RN
763 Posts
Mzchas has some great advice for you.
I went back to school at 32. I didn't know if I could do it. Things will slowly start to come back and you will gain confidence as you move through your courses.
You can do it! :anpom:
905 Posts
Yes. I was afraid I could not keep up. I found that any loss of ability (it is harder to read the fine print, lol, and perhaps my reflexes and thought processes are a bit slower) are overwhelmingly compensated for by simple maturity. Back when I was young and stupid, I forgot to do papers or didn't allow enough time to study or got annoyed at professors. Now, it is much easier to figure out what I need to do to prepare for a class and then do it.
Take one or two pre req classes at a community college and find out for yourself.
10 Posts
I'm 49 & 9/10th's and started my pre-req's this last Summer. I was scared to death - it's been so long since I've been in school, and I didn't know how I would do. Maturity is your asset! As a rule "returning" or "non-traditional age" students do quite well. I'm on my 3rd quarter now, taking Microbiology, Anatomy & Physiology I and Sociology 101. It's a heavy course load, and some days I'm overwhelmed, but I just plug away and I'm doing fine.
Do not let you age, or how long it's been since you've been in school stop you from doing something you want. My only regret is that I did not do this a long time ago. I still have a long way to go, but most days I face those challenges with excitement - not like the unfulfilling "career" I've had for the past 20+ years.
HM2VikingRN, RN
4,700 Posts
I started back at 41. Entered NS at 46-ABSN at 47. No regrets!
I know that you can do this with persistence.
Best of luck