Published May 26, 2009
Emilysmom2, RN
28 Posts
I graduated May 08. Past my boards july 08 have been working nite shift on a med surg floor at a city hosp since Aug. THe hosp is over 45min from home and I work 4nites a week and everyother weekend. It has been tough with kids and all. I have learned alot and my confidence has improved greatly. I have applied at a VA hosp that is less than 10min from my home. I did clinicals there and they are looking to hire a RN for there long term care section of the hosp. I have worked in LTC as a CNA for over 3yrs and am a pool RN supervisor there once in a blue moon. With my LTC background and my hosp experience I am hoping they call me but I am not sure if I want to make the jump. THe job is full time but I am not sure of the hours. But it is around the corner. I know they pay well, I think more than what I am making now (24/hr) plus 10% shift diff. I don't mind nite shift I like the pace it gives me time to think. BUt the sleep is bad and working everyother weekend is hard on my kids since I sleep during the day.
Any advise would help
14,633 Posts
In addition to the difference in pay, the VA, as an agency of the Federal gov't, offers better benefits than most private/community employers.
twinmommy+2, ADN, BSN, MSN
1,289 Posts
I wouldn't see why they wouldn't call you, you just have to sell yourself. The application and hiring process is no joke, and probably harder than any other place I've ever applied. Now that I'm in I am really liking it. The benefits are much better and I get 4 or 5 weeks of vacation per year (I've been there 6 months and have already used 2 weeks).
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
I have a strong desire to eventually apply for the VA hospital after this economic crisis lightens up. I have a per diem position with an agency that dispatches nurses to administer vaccinations before the soliders are sent overseas and I love the entire atmosphere. I hope that they call you.
520 Posts
I would love to work for the VA. How bad is the hiring process? What should I be prepared for? I have no criminal background, nor any issues with my license, but prior to the job I currently have (6 years) I jumped around a lot. Will that hurt my chances?
I have not applied myself, but I hear it is a long process filled with background checks, on line applications and a few interviews. I just went to an army base to give shots last weekend and I see plenty of soliders who work at various Va facilities in my area and they told me there is a current freeze (SHUCKS!!). I'll get there!
jollydogg_RN, ADN, BSN
333 Posts
it depends on where you get hired into the VA. the initial part people complain about is the paperwork. however, for people who are prior military such as myself, you wont see the paperwork as a problem
goodluck to you! if i can pass the hesi tommorow, im gonna call the nurse recruiter at the VA near me and shes gonna setup an interview for an LTC RN position for me thursday! benefits are amazing!
they need help at the LTC, so im sure the number of interviews might be a little less. however, if you're applying for something where they are only hiring one person, im sure you'll go through numerous interviews.