confused really need help :) quickest way to crna??


hi im going to a community college for my ADN. my school is FDTC and i start classes on AUG 16. but my main goal is to be a CRNA. i know you must have you BSN to even apply for crna programs. but i hope this is not a stupid question but is there a such thing as ADN to BSN. and if is how long do it take? im from sc and im 18 yrs old the goal is to be a crna when 25or something so is it possible? really need help im soooo confused....... THNX for taking the time out to even read this. :confused:

ADN to BSN is one of the most common programs. It's actually called RN To BSN at most schools, and takes approx two years. You can even do it online.

You can do your RN to BSN a lot of places... that won't be your problem. Right now, with the clamp-down in the healthcare field, the problem will be ICU experience if that doesn't resolve itself in the next 2 years.

Good luck.

As mentioned above, there are hundreds of RN-BSN programs. This list from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing lists the 670 programs that existed in Fall 2009 ( I am sure that there are programs close to you.

You might want to consider a state school close to where you live/work. Tuition will likely be much cheaper there than from a private school or online program. With the tightening of budgets, most hospitals are reducing the tuition benefit that they give their employees. CNRA programs are fulltime, so count on taking our massive loans for that time (tuition plus living expenses). You might not also want to take out loans for the RN-BSN program.

well, Yes there is an ADN to BSN program.Do that one first I think another 2 yrs of fulltime study.

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