i am confused if would i rather go back in the philippines and continue nursing there

Nurses General Nursing


Hi how are u doing guys?

anyways i got problem about my studies. I studied nursing in the philippines and i was able to reach 1st yr in college until we came here in hawaii as immigrants. i should be 2nd yr now if i didn't stop. I am working here as a sales associate and i could really feel the poor economic status of the world(char!) now. so, my parents and i had a serious discussions about my 'going back to school' stuffs. they told me if i go back to the Phil they could sustain my studies but if i would rather be here they could give me little help(finacial things), so that means we don't have that much money here we are poor here:chuckle.. that makes me confuse now..

advantages&disadvantages in the Phil

.i dont know if my subjects and trainings would be accredited

.i'd be by myself living back there

.i dont have to work

.i dont know if i come back here i could be a nurse

.i don't have work that means i don't have my own money


.I have to go back NOW for enrollment

.takes me 3 more years

advantages&disadvantages in the US

.i am sure i could be a nurse here

.i am not sure if they could credit some of my subjects

.i'l be with my family


.i have to work hard

.i need loan

.my money from work would go all to school

.i dont know how long would i study

Now, nurses all over the world base from your experiences please help me to decide..my decision now would affect my future.I really need help from u folks!!thank you so much in advance and have a wonderful day!:wink2:

ps: I i go back in the philippines and i would graduate there what would be the requirements to be a nurse here in hawaii?

hi am new in this site. i would like to ask for help on how to become registered nurse in Hawaii. I graduated BSN in the Philippines but i did not take the local board because I moved to hawaii right after graduation thru K1 visa. I am really confused on what to do. I already applied for CES and paid 385 dollars but I am not sure if I can take the NCLEX without NLE. thank you

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Here are your options:

Get you US eduction: Only need 2 years ADN degree in order to sit for NCLEX

Go to PI and get your Bachelor (US requires that to be RN in USA).

My wife graduated in March 2008 from PI.

We paid around $1,000 per Semester for school.

I had her a (nice/gated entrance)sd` 2 bedroom apartment that ran $80 per month, Electricity/Water ran around $18 per month, and DSL internet connect cost $20 per month

Her living expenses per month ran $100 per month.

She is in Texas now, and only thing she had to do to become a RN was:

I had her transcripts evalutated to say her education is comparable to a USA eduction and sent to Texas BON. She was not required to sit for local NLE exam in PI.

Where on Earth is this place? Rent is only $80 a month for a nice, 2BR gated apt.? Utilities only $18 a month? Holy cow! My living expenses aren't bad, but with that I could salt away a fortune into my retirement fund!

ETA: Never mind. I mistook PI for "private institution" instead of "Philippine Islands." My head cold is getting the better of me.

living here in hawaii is really expensive , why? living expenses are why to high compare to the mainland, i would suggest that u continue your schooling in the phil... after graduation, go to manila and look for NCLEX processing center, they could help u out there, its easy but kind of expensive too. but the thing is, its hustle free. i forgot the exact name of the nclex processing business there, they're reliable too.

so good luck.:nurse:

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