Concordia University Irvine ASBN Fall 2015

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hey there everyone! I'm new to posting on this site, but have lurked for quite some time now. Is anyone else applying to the CUI ASBN Program for the Fall 2015 cohort? I'm sending out my papers this week! I'm from NYC and I'm really hoping to get in, since I'll be moving to California this summer! Also if anyone has attended the program or is currently in the program, I'd love to hear what you have to say about it - what were your stats, and how is the program?

Best of luck everyone!


Thank you for your help!

And yes, good luck to everyone on their interviews!!

That's good to know! How about a summer vacation?

Also, many of us have our interview this friday... are there any questions you remember from the interview? do they focus more on your academic history/goals, or "what if" in nursing school/you are a nurse or your personality type of questions?

Thanks in advance!

Hi @jbshon,

Summer Vacation - I have no Idea but id it helps - Our Cohort started the program just before the summer holidays.

I can't remember the questions though...I do recall that you have to talk about yourself and there maybe scenario based questions and of course you do get the opportunity to ask questions....We did write a small essay, and we were interviewed by members of the faculty, it was a worthwhile experience for me meeting them.

Don't be late for the interview, if are interviewed in groups, give others the opportunity to talk, you are all a part of one family - this is practically the motto at Concordia. Don't see others as your competition. Follow the instructions on the email sent to you and good luck to all of you.

Had interviews today... Waiting game begins!

For those of you that had your interview yesterday, how'd it go? I'd love to hear more about it, like the set-up, what kind of questions they asked, what the essay was about, etc... Thanks!!

For those of you that had your interview yesterday, how'd it go? I'd love to hear more about it, like the set-up, what kind of questions they asked, what the essay was about, etc... Thanks!!

Hey Courtney-

I don't think it is appropriate at all to discuss the questions and essay especially since many people still have not interviewed yet. However, I can tell you a little bit about the set-up. It was a group interviewed composed of about 6 candidates and we rotated through different rooms for 30 min interviews. I was on campus from 8am until 12pm. I had a good time and enjoyed meeting potential classmates.

Good luck!

Hello everyone! I had my interview on July 17th, it was such a great experience. The faculty was welcoming and my group members were extremely nice and positive. I am very thankful for the opportunity and I can't believe we will be sent out notices next week! Good luck to everyone :)

Hi guys,

Hang in tight. Only 3 more sleeps til they send out the letters. If you made it this far just know that that is an accomplishment. I heard there were 400 who applied and 80 were invited for interviews. I can't wait. I live in San Clemente so hoping the letter will arrive Tuesday.

Even the interview that I attended on the 10th was so exciting and it was so much fun to meet all the invites. I wish everyone the best.


I'm curious to know if any of you guys had any pre-requisites in progress after application turn-in? Were they sciences or generals? And did you get a interview or not?

As for me, I only had Sociology in progress and I got an interview.

I had all my prerequisites. Please post if you guys got in or not and your stats!

Just got the email saying I was accepted. I had a 3.1 GPA and a BA in Kinesiology from CSU Chico.

I got an email from the financial aid office this morning saying I was accepted! Letters must still be in transit. Can't wait to meet ya'll this Fall! Once everyone gets their letters we should make a Facebook group. :)

Congrats! I haven't gotten any emails yet :( I wonder if it was all sent at once. Now I'm nervous.

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