Computer SHUT OFF @ 76 this significant???


Specializes in NICU.

Hello Everyone:

I just took exam this afternoon and I honestly don't know what to think, BUT I am trying to be positive.

I had a ton of priority, a few med calcs and some SATA....then poof - OFF @ 76 questions :uhoh3: !!!!!!!

I was reading some previous posts about whether or not the last question matters, but I kind of think this issue applies to just seems like at #75 I was or was not at minimum competency, but #76 made the final determination...does this make sense to anyone or am I thinking too much into it???

I guess a more appropriate question would be has anyone PASSED with 76 questions??????

Well off to the WAITING GAME.... GL to those who have tested and are waiting and to those who will be testing in the near future!!!!!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Means nothing except a number. Good luck

Specializes in Neuro Surgery,telemetry.

mine shut off at 77 and I passed! No one can ever guarantee what our test results will be. Hang in there, You did your best, I Hope you pass. Enjoy the waiting game.

Good Luck....btw what is SATA?

unfortunately, it doesn't matter how many questions you get. you can pass or fail at 75 - 265 questions. its a computer adaptive test. when it knows that you will pass the examination at whatever # no matter what, that's when it will shut off. good luck.

Specializes in NICU.
Good Luck....btw what is SATA?

Thanks! To answer your question, SATA = Select All That Apply

Specializes in NICU.
Hello Everyone:

I just took exam this afternoon and I honestly don't know what to think, BUT I am trying to be positive.

I had a ton of priority, a few med calcs and some SATA....then poof - OFF @ 76 questions :uhoh3: !!!!!!!

I was reading some previous posts about whether or not the last question matters, but I kind of think this issue applies to just seems like at #75 I was or was not at minimum competency, but #76 made the final determination...does this make sense to anyone or am I thinking too much into it???

I guess a more appropriate question would be has anyone PASSED with 76 questions??????

Well off to the WAITING GAME.... GL to those who have tested and are waiting and to those who will be testing in the near future!!!!!

AND AFTER ALL THE WAITING....I PASSED!!!!!! :heartbeat:D:redbeathe:D:yeah:


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