Hi all...
I had my gall bladder removed (per scope) about three weeks ago. I seem to be doing alright with the exception of some right sided pain. The pain is just under my right rib and feels like I am being stabbed with a knife. The pain occurs with deep breaths, when I yawn, when I laugh, and when I twist my torso. The pain ranks about a 7-8 out of 10 and goes away as quickly as it comes. If I sit still I have absolutely no pain at all. Walking does not aggrevate the pain nor does regular activity. I feel as if I could avoid taking deep breaths and yawning I could be 99% pain free. The surgeon says this is a normal side effect of the surgery and it should pass in time. I am a bit concerned that I am still feeling this pain. My lungs sound clear and equal with good air exchange and I have no fever. My GI system is functioning fine (thank goodness). Am I being overly concerned? Is the type of pain I am describing normal? Does anyone out there have any experience with the type of pain I am describing? I would appreciate any input/advice. Thanks! :)