Wound up in the ER a couple of days ago (not at the hospital i work at) with pain throughout my entire head. I have a history of migraines, but this pain wasn't aggravated by light and sound, no nausea or vomiting either (explained all of this to the doctor and the nurse). However, it was bad enough that i was crying from it (not hysterically), and i have a pretty high tolerance for pain.
Anyway, i received Compazine (I saw the name on the vial) by IV, nothing else except a saline flush. Couldn't recall at the moment what class Compazine was, and just made a reminder to myself to look it up later.
Didn't even phase the pain.
Well, it's an antiemetic, and antipsychotic. I'm reading in my drugbook NOTHING about pain relief, just plenty about 'supression of behavioral response'. I'd said my stomach felt fine, just in a lot of pain. I wasn't asking for any drugs or any drug in particular, but i'm a little curious that after getting the sinking feeling that since i was new to that ER, since pain cannot be seen, plus the demeanor of the staff, and a remark i overheard the nurse make ("we got ANOTHER headache out there, is there some sort of special we're advertising that no one told me about?"), that i was perceived as a drug seeker, and now i'm wondering if i was given this medication just to be pastied and get discharged.
I'm looking around as i write this, and not finding anymore than what i found in the drug book. Any ideas?