Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) Fall 2024

Nursing Students School Programs


I haven't found a forum yet for this semester, re applying for the 2nd time. Extremely nervous.

Did anyone else see the email sent out yesterday? They are extending deadline for this cohort until end of February 

Yes. I received one. I am just wondering why they extending the deadline.

Dhana Acharya said:

Yes. I received one. I am just wondering why they extending the deadline.

Same! Maybe not alot of potential applicants so far? Or because other schools deadlines are usually later, so they get their answers later therefore causing some people to pay seat fee then drop? Not sure. 

pedstech1009 said:

Same! Maybe not alot of potential applicants so far? Or because other schools deadlines are usually later, so they get their answers later therefore causing some people to pay seat fee then drop? Not sure. 

Maybe you're right.

hey ! I just applied to the Fall Day Program at Catonsville, my I got an B in A&P 1 and a A in A&P 2, C in English, and B's and A's in the rest of the prerequisites. My TEAS score is not that great. I got a 61.3% and my reading portion was a 71.8%. Hopefully I still get admission though! Good Luck Everyone.

Peace Nwaobia said:

hey ! I just applied to the Fall Day Program at Catonsville, my I got an B in A&P 1 and a A in A&P 2, C in English, and B's and A's in the rest of the prerequisites. My TEAS score is not that great. I got a 61.3% and my reading portion was a 71.8%. Hopefully I still get admission though! Good Luck Everyone.

My TEAS score was only 68% but I'm hoping for the best.

Have you guys repeated any courses? I have repeated two courses micro and stats. That make me less hope to get acceptance but my GPA is 3.45 and TEAS is 96.7% overall with 97% reading.

Dhana Acharya said:

Have you guys repeated any courses? I have repeated two courses micro and stats. That make me less hope to get acceptance but my GPA is 3.45 and TEAS is 96.7% overall with 97% reading.

I repeated BIOL twice because I went to Towson prior to me going to CCBC and I wasnt good in studying well. Then my final time taking it I got a B. I repeated Chem and I was going to repeat nutrition because it was a D and I applied prior to UMSON and Towson Nursing but did not get in. But I decided not to repeat it this semester because I emailed the CCBC nursing people and they said that it does not count towards the program because its not a prerequisite. 

Thanks for the response. I did ask the advisor, they said same thing but still hitting me. And also that's why I didn't apply to Towson and UMSON. Hopefully we will get accept and start the program together . Good luck 

Dhana Acharya said:

Have you guys repeated any courses? I have repeated two courses micro and stats. That make me less hope to get acceptance but my GPA is 3.45 and TEAS is 96.7% overall with 97% reading.

I repeated A&P II plus developmental psych. My study skills weren't very effective the first time I took these courses which resulted in me getting a C- in both coures on my first attempt. My second attempt at these courses I got a C in A&P II and C+ in Developmental Psych. I was two points away from a B in the psych class but the professor wouldn't round my grade up so that's where I stand.  We just have to hope for the best; "decisions should come out around end of March correct?"

Yes let's hope and pray for the best. My advisor said in the middle of the April they will send the decision.

April? That is so far away 

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