Comments on OLD THREADS


To all moderators,

I just want to ask, is there any way that you can do to avoid our members to comment on old threads of years ago. I have been seeing a lot of NCLEX passers like a year and a half ago, a new member congratulating them just recently then others following also & that I too almost wanted to congratulate but realize, Hey! this guy had posted like Jan 0f 2007. Are they aware of the dates of the posts they are commenting? It's just a waste of time for me whenever I often such as these. This is just a thought...

All we have been able to do thus far is to post to the newly resurrected threads and call attention to their outdatedness (if there is such a word). We also encourage posters to look at the dates themselves. But, sometimes people just get carried away with the subject matter and don't realize that the congratulations or the condolences they are offering are months (or even years) after the fact.

Part of the difficulty is that, while some threads are time-sensitive in nature, others are not. A discussion on a particular med or procedure doesn't necessarily "expire," and bringing up an old thread on the subject might revive a perfectly good discussion. That's why we don't set the filter for similar threads too recently. We would lose some good material that is still fairly pertinent.

Take heart--we now go back up to just two calendar years (all right, it's more like three years by the time December rolls around). It used to be unlimited and threads from 2001 were being exhumed. That made for some interesting reading.

Hope this answers your question.

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