COMBINED A&P 8 unit class



At some community colleges, they offer a course that is an 8 unit, anatomy and physiology course. It says that this course counts as anatomy 1 and physiology 1. I was wondering if anyone knew if absn programs accept this type of course, or if it has to be 2 separate classes.


Specializes in TCU, Post-surgical, Infection Prevention.

Hello there.

I know most schools in Southern California accept the combined course - in my community college system it is called Biology 20.

I would imagine alot of other schools would accept the course, since it is satisfying the anatomy and physiology requirements.

Hope this helps.

More and more schools accept only separate anatomy and physiology courses, according to my physiology instructor. He said that is why schools are beginning to move away from the combined version. He suggested that students take the separate courses to put themselves in a better position to be accepted at most programs.

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

I can't imagine having ONE grade ride on 8 credits :eek:

My school offers a and p 1 and a and p 2 both 4 credits. both anatony and physiology are though in each class.

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