Columbia ETP 2010

U.S.A. New York


Hey Y'all!

I'm getting ready to apply to the Columbia's ETP for 2010. I was just wondering who else was applying and what you were doing to make your application stronger! Also where else are you applying and what do your stats look like (GPA, GRE, experience, etc) ? I'm getting nervous as I start the whole application process and just thought I'd turn to the forums for some support and guidance!

I'm looking forward to sharing the journey with y'all! Hope to hear from you soon! :)

eyeontheprize :nurse:

Specializes in Family.

thank you all for sharing.

i called a second time and everything the customer rep told me was consistent w/ what the gentleman told this morning. They both were able to tell me what my interest rate was over the phone but said that I wouldn't be given the approval disclosure form or the final disclosure form until after I sign the promissory note. I am worried that they were going to pull the bait and switch on me since I have nothing written from them regarding the interest rate. The woman I spoke to this afternoon said that I have the option to call and cancel the loan if I change my mind after the promissory note is signed, just as long as it's before they disburse the loan. If I want to cancel the loan after the money is disbursed then it's a whole other process.

Beth_NP, did you already accept the loan online? If you didn't, maybe that's why they didn't want to tell you what your interest rate will be.

Also, does anyone know when Columbia requests the private loans to be disbursed to them? I am wondering if they will receive the funds in June or July because I know my federal loans will not cover all of the summer semester's tuition if it is all due in June before the semester begins.


Anyone else having trouble logging into the Financial Services webiste? The one that uses your C number?

Specializes in Future CNM.

Hi Mindlor,

I just logged in and it worked fine. Did you use this site? (Columbia University) Student Log In

Hmmm I tried again from this computer and it dd not work.

Tried from my laptop and it worked.

My question is, under documents, the Entrance Interview and the promissory note are both showing incomplete even though I did them.

Anyone else?

They probably haven't updated the website yet.

What you CAN do is check, sign in (you'll need that awesome PIN #), and on the left side you'll see a menu... you can check for "Completed MPNs" and "View Previously Completed Counseling".

so if they say they're completed there, I would go by that

Specializes in Family.

hi everyone, only a few more weeks until school starts. has anyone gotten their private loan certified by the school yet?

My loan provider.....Wells fargo, has requested info from SUSON but has not gotten a reply yet.

I went with Chase, the school hasn't answered yet either!!

I called Columbia FinAid today and according to the woman I spoke with they start the loan certification process mid May...

Hey all! I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was accepted into Columbia's ETP program yesterday. I was on the waitlist forever and highly doubtful that I would be accepted, seeing as how the program starts in less than a month! I had already decided that I would be attending a program here in California starting August and already began making plans, so when I received this notice, at first I made up my mind that I would probably stick with my original plans, especially since I couldn't imagine myself making such drastic changes and getting everything in place within the next 3 or so weeks. But after mulling over it for awhile, I'm beginning to feel ambivalent. I already declined an acceptance from Yale and have been regretting it ever since. I don't know if I passed up on this opportunity, if I'd regret it forever also. The real attractive part of Columbia's program is the combined BSN/MSN for me. After looking over the financial aid package I received from Columbia, I've also found the cost is almost along the same lines as the school I've accepted here, basically because I won't be receiving any scholarships/grants. I've never lived anywhere but southern California and I'm sure NYC will be such a culture shock and learning experience. I don't know though.. do you guys think it's possible for me to finish up my last class (ends May 19th), find a place to live, figure out my financial situation (private loans and all that), move across the country, and start this rigorous program.. all within the next 3 weeks? or am I just crazy? any feedback would be appreciated!

hey hellonurse - I PM'd you - although i'm not sure if I did right. :)

KHNurse2B.. thanks so much for your super quick post and your insightful tips! I'd PM back but I haven't worked up to getting that privilege yet :rolleyes:. I'll probably work on a pros and cons list tonight and talk it over with my parents (although I'm sure their opinion won't be unbiased -- they want to keep me close). It's a great problem to have although I wish I had a little more time! Ahh I'll let you know what the end result is. THANK YOU! :)

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