Published May 16, 2007
15 Posts
I am currently a student at SUNY StonyBrook. I will have enough credits as of December of 07 to graduate with my BS in Psychology. My current cumulative GPA is about a 2.9, after i had a really bad semester 2 years ago. I retook those classes and got mostly A's or B's in them. I want to go to nursing school in the Fall of 2008 and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for nursing schools or general suggestions...I know that my GPA is not that great but I have some experience with healthcare. I work in a group home with disabled adults and I am AMAP (approved medication administration personnel) certified along with CPR, First Aid and BLS for healthcare provider certified. I was looking into Adelphi, Farmingdale and Nassau CC nursing programs... Any feedback would be great... thanks!!
160 Posts
did u take any nursing preq's such as Anatomy&Phys, Microbiology? Farmingdale & NCC are v. competetive, Adelphi the last I heard will accept 2.8into their nursing program, if you speak to an Admissions counselor, they will tell you.
1,237 Posts
what about SUNY StonyBrook? are you able to submit an application for their program?
629 Posts
Your experience is a plus when you go for an interview.
Regarding to the college, I think the more you apply, the better. It only increases the chances to "get in."
You may also try the LPN Program...just to "get in."
But the LPN Program might require you to have the CNA experience.
I was an LPN before becoming an RN.
I hope my advice will help you somewhat.
Good luck!!!
yea i have taken most of the pre-reqs... i am taking microbiology this summer and Anatomy in the fall.. i am going to the adelphi open house this wednesday so i will talk to an advisor about their program.
and yes, I have looked into the Stony Brook program. I am a student there and I know how extremely difficult it is to get into. I will be applying there, but i doubt that ill get accepted. I was told by an advisor that they get about 4000 applications and of those they accept about 250 people.. of the 250 accepted, only 25-50 are from stony brook.. it is very difficult to get into their program if you are a student at stonybrook...
Where would i be able to take an LPN program and what does that involve?? i have not really looked into that, only RN programs... would an LPN give me a better chance with RN programs?? thanks for the feedback everyone... more feedback would be awesome!!
Hey, well if you don't mind attending ANOTHER more expensive university, try long island university in brooklyn...I applied there as a transfer student and got accepted into the nursing major...that means NO WAITING LISTS AND NO REAPPLYING AFTER TAKING PRE REQS...I had my bach degree ..I actually dont even have to take their general core courses...However, since I never took statistics, biology , chem, anatomy and phsyiology, I have to finish these class before starting the nursing I'm starting LIU this summer with a biology course and stat...this fall im taking chem, another biology, anatomy and dev psych...and in the spring im taking second part of chem, microbiology, second psych class and that means.........I START THE NURSING SEQUENCE NEXT FALL and will graduate with my BScN in may 2010...I also like the fact that LIU has a part time nursing sequence, but that takes three years instead of two...check out the following links:
the "nursing requirements" are the ones I'm taking this summer, fall and spring :
here is the professional phase I'm starting next fall, providing I pass the classes. If you scroll down, you will see the sequence for part time and weekend students:
here is also a link to a free LPN program that I applied to and tested for. I passed the test and still haven't been called for the interview, but no worries since I've decided to go to LIU:
Monroe college also has a PN program, unfortunately pre-registration ended may 15th:
Sorry, but I'm not familiar with LPN to RN programs. :-(
yea i have taken most of the pre-reqs... i am taking microbiology this summer and Anatomy in the fall.. i am going to the adelphi open house this wednesday so i will talk to an advisor about their program.and yes, I have looked into the Stony Brook program. I am a student there and I know how extremely difficult it is to get into. I will be applying there, but i doubt that ill get accepted. I was told by an advisor that they get about 4000 applications and of those they accept about 250 people.. of the 250 accepted, only 25-50 are from stony brook.. it is very difficult to get into their program if you are a student at stonybrook...Where would i be able to take an LPN program and what does that involve?? i have not really looked into that, only RN programs... would an LPN give me a better chance with RN programs?? thanks for the feedback everyone... more feedback would be awesome!!
When you finish certain number of nursing courses, you are eligible to take the NCLEX-PN. You have to talk to someone in the Nursing Department at LIU for this option. However, when you are eligible for the NCLEX-PN, you are almost finish up the RN Program.
Hey, well if you don't mind attending ANOTHER more expensive university, try long island university in brooklyn...I applied there as a transfer student and got accepted into the nursing major...that means NO WAITING LISTS AND NO REAPPLYING AFTER TAKING PRE REQS...I had my bach degree ..I actually dont even have to take their general core courses...However, since I never took statistics, biology , chem, anatomy and phsyiology, I have to finish these class before starting the nursing I'm starting LIU this summer with a biology course and stat...this fall im taking chem, another biology, anatomy and dev psych...and in the spring im taking second part of chem, microbiology, second psych class and that means.........I START THE NURSING SEQUENCE NEXT FALL and will graduate with my BScN in may 2010...I also like the fact that LIU has a part time nursing sequence, but that takes three years instead of two...check out the following links:the "nursing requirements" are the ones I'm taking this summer, fall and spring : is the professional phase I'm starting next fall, providing I pass the classes. If you scroll down, you will see the sequence for part time and weekend students: is also a link to a free LPN program that I applied to and tested for. I passed the test and still haven't been called for the interview, but no worries since I've decided to go to LIU: college also has a PN program, unfortunately pre-registration ended may 15th:, but I'm not familiar with LPN to RN programs. :-(
Most LPN Program requirement is one to two years experience as an CNA.
Entrance exam.
An interview.
Good reference letters.
But don't give up!
I recommend you to search for both in the same time..this will increase the chances to get into some nursing programs.
You also have to look for those schools that are out of state.
Be very flexible!!!!
Sigh! Unfortunately chuck1234, the NYBON put a stop to that as of june 1st this year..too bad because I had planned to take the PN boards after taking my med/surg class. Oh well...
if u are from long island the four LPN programs I know are: Western Suffolk BOCES, Eastern Suffolk BOCCES, VEEB(uniondale), and SUNY Farmingdale. However to get into W. Suffolk BOCES, you would have to apply in the FALL, and wait till March. You don't need previous CNA experience but it helps. Farmingdale would be better because they give u college credits, where the others do not.
153 Posts
I got my Bachelors in Psych from Stony Brook too! and to be honest, my GPA wasnt any bettter. When i decided to go back for nursing, i had to take A&P 1 to apply- i had all of the other classes b/c of the requirements for the psych degree (probably the only positive thing of having been a Psych major Anyway, eventhough my Cum GPA wasnt that impressive, they only look at the classes that are required for admission to the program (Eng 101, Psy 101, statistics, etc), and luckily, i had done really well in all of those classes, so the GPA that i was applying with was really a 3.6 or 3.8 depending on which classes they counted.
I took A&P2 and Micro before i started nursing school, but they werent included in my grades when i applied.
Look at the schools youre interested in and see what the pre-reqs are. then look at your transcript and figure out what you're GPA is for those classes- and that will give you a more accurate idea of what you've got in your corner.
Just make sure that you get an A in A&P 1- that seems to be key for most of the schools in the area.
thanks so much everyone for your input.. I will first off check out the LPN program at Farmingdale...roseynurse345, i did not know that they had this program, i thought it was only an RN program. thanx for the info.. next, thanx so much neeniebean.. i feel like we are in the same position... that really helps to kno that many of the schools basically only look at required courses.. i actually did well in stats, psy101 and eng 101... the only thing im worried about is A&P that im taking this fall and micro which im takin in the summer... thanks again everyone.. anymore advicewould be fantastic!!