CNA Test: Failed one task :(

Nurses General Nursing


i passed the written part, and failed one out of 5 tasks, which was passing fresh water. apparently, i didnt tell the examiner i washed my hands before the task. that cost me the entire test. i am really upset...but life goes on. i have to re-test. will they make me re-do the passing fresh water task, or will i have to study all tasks, and one will be randomly chosen?

i was very upset yesturday....but need to get up, dust myself off, and study again. at least i passed the written part yey! and didn't fail other 4 tasks.

Well,, Tested today.I left the room crying! I had 5 of easiest skills to perform and I think I screwed up. handwashing-ok -- nail care-I forgot to lock wheel chair brakes but told her.Feeding-I forgot to use bib/protective cover-But told her,I also forgot to wash her hands.I washed & dried her face but forgot hands!DUH!But told her..I also had Nail Care,Vitals-ok-Back rub-ok.

We had 5 skills to do in 35 minuites.I was ok on the written test but once I walked into the door to do my skills,my mind went blank! I went with 5 others from my class & they came out crying too.You feel so stupid forgetting something so simple but its very stressfull. I will not know until Friday if I passed but I dont think I did.I so mad at ME!

At the end of the skills the proctor said,is there anything at all in any skill that you feel you may have left off please verbalize now..This is when I started : I knocked on the door ,indroduced myself,I washed my hands,I explained the procedure,I closed the curtain,I locked the wheel chair and bed brakes,,I used side rails when needed.I preformed the procedure,I lowered the bed,I washed my hands before and after,I left the call light in place,I did this per each skill, yes I am finished. I just feel that my nervs got the best of me.Not knowning where all the supplies are,not knowing the beds.It was very hard to get through even though I had easy skills.Im am totally disapointed in myself over this.Kicking myself in the behind at least once every 5 minutes..:angryfire I can honestly say,If I have failed I will not re-do. Thanks for listening.

Well,, Tested today.I left the room crying! I had 5 of easiest skills to perform and I think I screwed up. handwashing-ok -- nail care-I forgot to lock wheel chair brakes but told her.Feeding-I forgot to use bib/protective cover-But told her,I also forgot to wash her hands.I washed & dried her face but forgot hands!DUH!But told her..I also had Nail Care,Vitals-ok-Back rub-ok.

We had 5 skills to do in 35 minuites.I was ok on the written test but once I walked into the door to do my skills,my mind went blank! I went with 5 others from my class & they came out crying too.You feel so stupid forgetting something so simple but its very stressfull. I will not know until Friday if I passed but I dont think I did.I so mad at ME!

At the end of the skills the proctor said,is there anything at all in any skill that you feel you may have left off please verbalize now..This is when I started : I knocked on the door ,indroduced myself,I washed my hands,I explained the procedure,I closed the curtain,I locked the wheel chair and bed brakes,,I used side rails when needed.I preformed the procedure,I lowered the bed,I washed my hands before and after,I left the call light in place,I did this per each skill, yes I am finished. I just feel that my nervs got the best of me.Not knowning where all the supplies are,not knowing the beds.It was very hard to get through even though I had easy skills.Im am totally disapointed in myself over this.Kicking myself in the behind at least once every 5 minutes..:angryfire I can honestly say,If I have failed I will not re-do. Thanks for listening.

Keep your chin up, Scooter! :icon_hug:

From what I've read on allnurses, as long as you tell them that you know what you should have done (even if you didn't actually do it) they usually count it as a completed step. I would think they would have to take nerves into account just a little when scoring the examination. (Otherwise there isn't any hope for me! ;) )

About not retaking the exam: I know that if I fail my skills test next week, I will definitely be retaking it. It seems like it would be much less stressful, since you know what to expect, the next time around. That's my personal take on it, to each his/her own.

Sending good, positive, thoughts your way!

Specializes in ICU/PCU/Infusion.
tomorrow i have a pre-test from 2pm-4pm than wednesday is my big day.i have studied my book until im blue in the face!! i am so stressed!! i had 2 friends fail skills last week.the bed she was doing one of her skills on did not have brakes,she did not verbilize that she locked the bed brakes,she failed.the other said there was no curtain to pull for privacy,so she didnt even think to verbalize that she pulled the curtain..she failed..

here is what i have been walking around saying to myself :

knock on the door,

introduce myself.

identifie my hands are washed

don't forget to don your gloves!!! ;)

explain procedure

pull curtain (verbalize)

lock bed brakes

lock wheel chair brakes

do procedure

wash hands

make sure call light is in place.

i will verbalize my every move to make sure i dont miss anything.

we have 35 minuites to complete 5 skills. i have talked to many cna`s and ( i counted) out of 16 only 1 passed 100%.everyone that failed,did so on something simple.i think your so stressed that you forget a step..

after you wash your hands, either put your gloves on, or say that you would put your gloves on. then, be sure you take (or verbalize you're doing so) off your goves prior to washing your hands at the end of your skill!

In Ohio, one of the skills is passing water.

If you fail one of the tasks, you automatically are retested on the ones you failed on the next test, plus whatever random ones they give you. Good thing is, if you fail your skills and pass the written test, you don't have to take the written test again.

They will fail you for missing one detail like not washing hands or forgetting to lock the brakes on a bed or wheel chair. You won't fail if you catch yourself and start over again. But you have to catch the mistake before you finished the task.

Good luck to everyone taking tests.

I can understand both sides. The evaluators have to be strict because they need to make sure you are competent to care for patients/residents. But on the other hand, I can see how people forget minor details under pressure of someone breathing down your neck.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

I'm sorry for didn't pass but look on the positive side you'll NEVER forget to wash your hands again...Best of luck next time...You'll do great...

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