CNA in El Paso


Hello. I am not a nurse, only a CNA who hopes to go to nursing school within the next year. The reason why I am posting is to see if anyone happens to know the avarage pay for a CNA in El Paso. We are moving there soon from Kentucky and when I talked to one DON at one nursing home she said they pay their CNA's $6.00 per hour. I make over $12.00 here in Kentucky so I was shocked. I read where LPN's in El Paso are making $18.00 per hour and this is the same as in Kentucky so I figured the CNA's would make near about the same as well. This DON did mention that her nursing home had one of the lowest pay rates for CNA's in El Paso. I'm not looking for a huge salary but for $6.00 I might as well work at Taco Bell. Anyway, I know this is long-winded and I'm not actually a nurse but I thought somewhere on this board there might be a nurse from El Paso who has some information. Also, does anyone have a recomendation for a LVN school there? Thanks a bunch!

P.S. I visited there last week and fell in love with the El Paso- Las Cruces area- I cant wait to move there!


I don't know too much about CNA pay rates in El Paso, but I do believe the nursing homes paid about $6-$8 an hour. The nicest nursing homes were White Acres Good Samaritan and there was a Catholic one in central El Paso (the name is escaping me). The westside of El Paso is a nice place to live (off Redd Rd.). Nurses make pretty good money and there is a shortage. Hope that helps.



I don't know too much about CNA pay rates in El Paso, but I do believe the nursing homes paid about $6-$8 an hour. The nicest nursing homes were White Acres Good Samaritan and there was a Catholic one in central El Paso (the name is escaping me). The westside of El Paso is a nice place to live (off Redd Rd.). Nurses make pretty good money and there is a shortage. Hope that helps.


Thank you for your herp. I am looking into working at a Good Samaritan home in Las Cruces while I'm in school as we will more than likely live in between El Paso and Las Cruces. Thanks.

Specializes in Home Health, Long Term, Rehab,Dialysis.

I am an LVN in El Paso. I do know that hospitals pay better than nusing homes. There are 4 private hospitals, 1 county hospital, 1 military hospital, and 4 rehab hospitals as well as several nursing agencies. There is more here than nursing homes. You can apply on line to Las Palmas Medical Center or Del Sol Medical Center. Those are HCAfacilities. Then there are Sierra Medical Center and Providence Memorial Hospital. Those are Tenet facilities. I am sure they have a web site for applications as well. I hope this helps. If you have experience most places will give limited compensation for that. The major hospitals also have some tuition reembersment programs.

Welcome to El Paso in advance.

i am a cna in el paso, and i can tell you that they do not pay much here. most nursing homes will offer you anywhere from 5.25-6.00 an hour. i used to work at an assisted living facility, royal estates (located on mesa hills drive) and they payed 6.50 an hour. not a bad job but the workers there are very clicky. currently i am working at the el paso psychiatric center and i get 8.46 an hour (thats including my differentials). if i were you i would try to get in at a hospital because they will pay you at least 7.00 including differentials or i would go to agency. agency pays well here anywhere from 12.00-13.00 an hour. a good one to look for is starmed. el paso community college has a 2 year lvn program and an adn program. many people say its kind of tough to get into because of their ranking system. you take all of your prereq's then you have to take an entrance exam. they compile the two together and come up with a score. if you score under a certain number, you must wait, take the test again and try to get in. university of texas at el paso has a bsn program. that one is a bit easier to get into, take your prereq's make decent grades, get in. there is not entrance exam. computer career centers of el paso has an lvn program that is just 10 months long. havent heard much from it. the first class just started this january. anamarc and emerald school of nursing will be getting LVN programs somtime in the near future. sorry so long but i hope this helps!! good luck

Hi. I worked as a CNA for a year and can tell you the pay isn't much but the reward is great. I know in other states CNA's make more money but here in El Paso the pay is low. You can start off at $6.55, now the minimum wage (before it was only $6.00), or starting at $7.00. It may take a few years to get up the pay scale but starting off new somewhere here, don't expect anything more than even $8.00 - if you can get that!

There is one agency I worked for that didn't even give raises so wherever you were on the pay scale, typically at the minimum wage rate, you won't earn more money.

Go for the nursing degree! I will be starting my first semester in January and look forward to it. You'll definetly make more money and it's a lot more rewarding.

Good luck!

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Please be cognizant of the dates of these posts before responding to them. Since this thread is 4 years old (originated in 2005), the original poster probably had his/her question answered a long time ago, and we can safely conjecture that this person is no longer seeking advice actively. ;)

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