Clinicals in Hospital

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Specializes in None yet.

I'm new here and don't plan on working as a CNA but need to get the certificate to enter a RN program. Do CNA programs ever offer the option to have clinicals in a hospital? Or anything other than a LTC? Also is it possible to choose which clinical site you go to or does it depend on the school?

I'm finishing my CNA class this week and from what I understand (here in SC anyway) - it seems that the CNA qualifies you to work in LTC(or home health but it seems home health would want some experience above and beyond clinicals). Our school does clinicals at 3 different nursing homes in the area (our class was split between 2 facilities) and if to get employment at a hospital (as a PCT) they require CNA cert and BLS cert to apply, then you would be hired and they would have you then attend PCT training, to become a PCT. (BLS= Basic Life Support for healthcare providers from the AHA,American Heart Association , PCT=Patient Care Technician)

At the place where I took my CNA class (NY)they used a few different LTC facilities and it was already predetermined which one we were using at the beginning of the class. Where I live we only had to do 30 hours of clinical and time went quickly.

I have read a few posts from people who did their clinicals in a hospital setting however. You can always ask the school.

Specializes in 6 yrs LTC, 1 yr MedSurg, Wound Care.

My clinicals were done at 1 LTC facility and 1 hospital. 2 - 8 hour days at each.

My school had some kind of agreement with these facilities and every class went there. You didn't get to pick. See what kind of connections you can make while you're there. That might help in the long run.

Specializes in Psychiatry, corrections, long-term care..

Most CNA programs are geared towards LTC facilities and nursing homes. If you're looking to avoid the elderly and dirty briefs, you may want to reconsider going into nursing. I'm of the opinion that no matter what specialty you want to go into, you should always have had some experience in an LTC. It's the core of nursing care, teaches stress management, and can be very humbling.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

When I took my CNA program 3.5 years ago, clinicals were primarily done in nursing homes.

At the school I attended they had programs for CNA's and PCT's. The CNA's did our clinicals in an LTC, while the PCT's had one week in an LTC and three weeks in a hospital. Many of the CNA students invested a great deal of time griping about how "unfair" this was. I never quite figured why they just didn't go sign up for the PCT program if they felt that way.

We had to have the CNA class before applying to RN, or LPN, school. We had to attend the same clinical site, which was an LTC, no choosing...

Also, as far as the nursing school clinicals, we have two different clinical sites per semester, first acute, then long term care.

Good luck in getting your CNA and then going on to your RN!

I did my cna class through College of DuPage (COD) in Glen Ellyn, Illinois and all my classes and all my clinicals were at an area hospital. Yes, depending on where you go, you can do your clinicals in a hospital setting.

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