Published Feb 6, 2005
2 Posts
Hi, I am new to this so please excuse if its not done right.
I was wondering if anybody had any info about the clinical exams for the excelsior nursing program. I know I am probably jumping ahead of myself, because I haven't finished all the nursing exams yet, but I am really worried about the clinical.
I have heard that it is harder if done in Columbus, which by the way is closer to my home. Also heard that most people who go to Wisonsin do well.
I also would like to know if there are any scholarships for distant learners, this sure is expensive.
Thanks Mary :uhoh21:
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
Hi chasekaty,
Welcome to! Good Luck with your education. I am going to move your thread to the Distance Learning / Independent Study forum for more relevant responses. I hope you enjoy your time at!
RainDreamer, BSN, RN
3,571 Posts
Hi and welcome to allnurses!! :)
1,383 Posts
Hi, I am new to this so please excuse if its not done right.I was wondering if anybody had any info about the clinical exams for the excelsior nursing program. I know I am probably jumping ahead of myself, because I haven't finished all the nursing exams yet, but I am really worried about the clinical.I have heard that it is harder if done in Columbus, which by the way is closer to my home. Also heard that most people who go to Wisonsin do well.I also would like to know if there are any scholarships for distant learners, this sure is expensive. Thanks Mary :uhoh21:
There are a lot of EC students and grads on this site who can help you. I graduated Sept. 2003 so my info may be a little dated and a more current student/grad may have better info.
1. It is normal to be worried about the clinical even though you still have other exams/classes ahead of you. I know it's hard, but try to take it one step at a time.
2. There are good and bad reviews from all CPNE sites so you have to sort through the info you get and decide where to go. Some sites can also test you sooner than others. When the time comes, you can call the individual testing centers and ask about their wait times and cancellations.
3. I flew to WI to take my exam because I heard so many good things about the WI sites and passed my first time around. I lived in Dallas at the time but heard so many bad things about that site that I didn't want to test there. On the other hand, I have known of people who passed there and didn't understand what all of the bad rumors were about. So you see, you will get conflicting info from different people about different test sites.
4. Yes it is expensive, but so is any school. Don't know anything about scholarships/financial aid for distance learners, maybe someone else does.
My financial aid unfortunately was Visa and Mastercard.