Published Sep 20, 2011
Medsport, LPN
352 Posts
I have an interview at a local clinic tomorrow and just wondering if anyone has worked at one and if you like it? I like my current job as its usually pretty laid back, but can get stressful at times. Its an assisted living facility and I've been there for a little over 2 years. One of the reasons I applied at the clinic is because we were working 12 hour shifts, 3 days one week and 4 the next which usually gave us 4 hours OT. The new owners want to switch us to 8 hour shifts to cut out the OT. I'm just barely covering the bills now and cutting the hours and the extra 6 trips a month (the job is about 20 miles away) will end up costing me 100-150/month. The pay is decent (just over 15), but there are hardly any benefits (just a few days vacation and a couple small bonuses a year). I am working 3rd and kind of like it because you don't have to deal with a lot of the family members, phone calls and management. Plus I'm supposed to get every weekend off when they switch, but working 3rd is making it hard to date and have much of a life. I'm guessing the clinic won't pay quite as good, but should have better benefits and be mostly daytime hours. I don't know, it would most likely be stressful for me as I'm not really a people person, but have gotten better the past few years and I hate getting up early. It's also in the town I live in so I would save on gas. I guess I should'nt worry about it until I find out the details. I guess I just wanted to get some input on what to expect and if it is even worth checking out?
1,547 Posts
not really an advice but just want to say good luck. always good to practice your interview skills and then you can find out the pay and bennies.
Well I went to the interview without any real expectations and think it was a really good one. It sounds like they want to offer me a position if I want one. They have a few different ones open. A FT with benefits working for a doctor internist, a 32 hour working for another doctor in peds, but they say I could likely pick up a day a week but only partial benefits, or a contingent in which you would get trained in all areas and be FT for about 6 weeks and then you would likely still be full-time or close to it for awhile due to all the business they have right now and not enough nurses and then you can bid on other jobs after 6 months.
I don't know, they all sound interesting, but I really need something stable and hate to put in my notice at my current job and take it and not have it work out as I have really no back-up or much savings. Plus I have'nt really worked for a doctor before in an office and would be completely different from what I do now and I don't know what to expect. I know I need to make my mind up quick as they said they want to hire someone asap. I'm thinking I should probably call her back today or tomorrow and and ask some more questions and find out what the salary is. If it's even close to what I'm making now I think I'll tell her I'm interested as the benefits are much better and I'd save on gas and mileage on my car. I just don't know, its a big decision. Any idea what I should ask about the job or any advice?
quick update: I called her back to get more info and pay, ect. It does sound interesting, but the pay is'nt the greatest. It starts out about $1.50 less an hour to what I'm making now, but you get a 0.50 raise if you pass the probationary period at 6 months. Plus its not even a full 40 hours, more like 36-38 because of a half day. After doing the math, I don't think there is any way I could do it as I would be at least $75 short a month even with saving on gas. It sure would be nice to have benefits though like health insurance and some retirement. I wish I knew what was going to happen when Mercy buys them out with pay and benefits and if there are any raises after a year? Its probably moot now anyway as I was supposed to call her by the end of the week with my decision and I did'nt call as I did'nt think I wanted to do it...
thanks for the update. i hope everything pan out for you in this job hunting times.
199 Posts
It sure would be nice to have benefits though like health insurance and some retirement.
unfortunately, many folks don't take into consideration the cost of benefits. yes, the hourly wage is significant, however, to me, the benefit pkg is also a major factor.
the cost of a full benefit pkg can be upwards of 30% (or more) of the wage pkg. they're expensive. so if you don't have health insurance, pd vacation, sick leave, and some sort of retirement acct, think again!