Published Dec 5, 2007
107 Posts
hi, any advice for someone who has to repeat the pe. i am first semester and failed yesterday. all 171 students that i saw there yesterday (6) failed and there were several 2nd and 3rd semester fails. must of been this stupid snow storm!!!!! anyway, any advice? thanks.
49 Posts
that's a pretty general question, so my advice will be general as well. specific advice would really depend on the reason that you failed the exam. are you willing to share it?
i failed my first pe in 171. it's my feeling that the examiners are slightly more lenient with areas of care during the second attempt, but you have no room for error when it comes to iding the patient, prepping/administering meds, and documentation. it's imperative for 171 that you know how to properly identify the ventrogluteal site.
general advice:
in my 171 class, almost every student who failed the first pe succeeded at their second attempt, so the odds are greatly in your favor. most students failed for major reasons (e.g. neglecting to id, forgetting gloves during an injection, prepping meds incorrectly, etc.), and not because, for example, they forgot to ask their patient for a shave. you'll hear people tell you that they failed for nit-picky reasons, but firm my belief is that their failure was based on the examiner's mental tally of many little things.
because the exam supplies are set out on the table, look at the entire table before performing an area of care. this step helped me to remember that i needed the nonskid slippers for ambulating. do the same thing with the med cart before you prep meds.
you will never fail for washing your hands too many times, so if in doubt, wash.
don't be afraid to take a time out if something gets you flustered. taking a minute to stop, relax (i know, easier said than done), and think about about what you're doing can work wonders. develop acronyms to help you remember what to do when you enter and leave the room. for entering the room, a lot of students use "whip" for wash hands, id, and privacy. for leaving the room, you need to wash your hands, check that bed rails are up, make sure that the is bed down, and give your patient the call light. in my opinion, performing these routines completely during each and every patient interaction goes a long way toward your success in the pe. for any soon to be clc students reading this, practice these steps each and every time that you practice your skills in the lab, and they will become habits that you won't even have to think about. i cannot stress this enough!
my last piece of advice is difficult to pull off, but you have to try: have faith in yourself, walk into that room with confidence, and think about each step before you perform it. you do have a limited amount of time, but it should be adequate, so don't rush yourself.
good luck!
it was the vg site. i had it the first time and didn't have the capped syringe near me to point with it so the evaluator could mark it. i got flustered and redid it. can you point with your finger? i know this may not make any sense to those who haven't started the program yet but please send me a private message with specs. on finding the site. i did everything else perfectly. i had ambulation as well.
1,194 Posts
Best of luck to you in your next attempt...gosh, now I am freaking!!!! And Vega, thanks for that advice!
5 Posts
i hate this exam with more words than i care to write, but i've done it twice now and (luckily) passed the first try through both times. every class has a significant number of people who fail the first exam, so we all know somebody who has gone through what you're going through and can relate to the emotional roller-coaster that results. stay positive.
you were taught to id the site with the capped syringe, so the
evaluator should, in theory, require that you identify the site with the capped syringe. honestly, i think some evaluators would let you point with your fingers, but others would not. to be on the safe side, id it with that capped syringe.
take comfot knowing that you did all of your skills fine. to me, that means you shouldn't have any problems the second time around, if you practice finding that vg site some more.
don't be flustered next time. you pretty much know that you can pass the exam if you get that vg site down.
and yes, more students pass the second time around than fail, so again, stay positive.
my partner also failed on something we weren't even taught. our instructor feels badly and is talking with the dept. about it but bottom line...we'll take it again. thanks for your positive words. they actually make me feel better and i've forwarded yours and "vega's" response to her. she's getting a high "a" in the class and is such a great student. i guess you never know who will pass and who won't.
i hate this exam with more words than i care to write, but i've done it twice now and (luckily) passed the first try through both times. every class has a significant number of people who fail the first exam, so we all know somebody who has gone through what you're going through and can relate to the emotional roller-coaster that results. stay were taught to id the site with the capped syringe, so the evaluator should, in theory, require that you identify the site with the capped syringe. honestly, i think some evaluators would let you point with your fingers, but others would not. to be on the safe side, id it with that capped syringe.take comfot knowing that you did all of your skills fine. to me, that means you shouldn't have any problems the second time around, if you practice finding that vg site some more. don't be flustered next time. you pretty much know that you can pass the exam if you get that vg site down. and yes, more students pass the second time around than fail, so again, stay positive.
we passed the second time as did most people. there were quite a few retakes on all levels that test at clc. crazy. i've probably taken a year off of my life due to the added stress. some people have to wait until monday to retake. how horrible that they need to stress all weekend.
144 Posts
Congrats!!! I'm glad to hear you passed!!!
congrats!!! i'm glad to hear you passed!!!
many of the current 171 students are trying to organize a mentoring program for the incoming 171 students. we think it would be a great program all around.
CONGRATS!!! That is awesome!!!
I would certainly take advantage of the mentoring!!! My cousin is actually in the program right now...171, will be in 172 next semester, so I have a feeling I may be hitting him up for some pointers!!!
congrats!!! that is awesome!!!i would certainly take advantage of the mentoring!!! my cousin is actually in the program right now...171, will be in 172 next semester, so i have a feeling i may be hitting him up for some pointers!!!
i would certainly take advantage of the mentoring!!! my cousin is actually in the program right now...171, will be in 172 next semester, so i have a feeling i may be hitting him up for some pointers!!!
lori, who's your cousin. i'm friends with all of the guys in the program as they are mostly in my section. im me if you want.
I, too, would be all for a mentoring program! Lori - If you get any good info from your cousin - be sure to share...please!