Clayton State Universtiy Spring 2014 Applicants!

U.S.A. Georgia


Has anyone applied to Clayton State for Spring 2014? The deadline is September 15. Any one care to share their stats, I've noticed they raised the requirements for GPA, etc.

Well, the application deadline is over. Now, the wait begins.

I've applied my stats: gpa 3.4 m/s gpa 3.48 teas 81... Has anyone talked to their advisor lately?

I applied for CSU Nursing program for spring of 2014 :D Fingers crossed!

Stats are GPA 3.61

M/S 3.5

TEAS 89.3 !!

Hopefully we'll hear something soon! Good luck everyone!

Also, how do you calculate you're score on the point system? Thanks!

GPA x 25 + M/S x 25 + TEAS Score= Points

Has anyone heard anything back yet?

I haven't heard anything but my advisor said we should be hearing by the end of the week. This was last week when I talked to her though.

Still anxiously waiting!! Has anyone applied anywhere else?

Does anyone know if they've sent out declination letters or not?

I haven't heard anything at all. I'll probably ask my adviser and see what she has to say about it. I was starting to think they didn't get my application or crazy things like that lol. The wait is nerve-wrecking for sure. I did end up applying to Armstrong Atlantic as a back-up.

I just got an email invite for an interview! It came to my regular email.

I just got called for an interview.....yayyyyyy

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