Clayton State University Spring 2016

U.S.A. Georgia


Greetings Ga Nurses! I am applying for Clayton State's BSN Program Spring 2016 session. It would be great to meet others on this similar journey, and hopefully we can support each other on the way. Looking forward to the challenge of Nursing School!

Hey guys I applied as well. I am super nervous. I had an interview this morning, I think it went great. Just time to play the waiting game now.

My interview went well today too! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!! Did you guys have to sign any papers?

Yes I signed one about expectations and cost of the program

Does anybody know when they will be sending out the official letters?

I was told that it would be the end of October or first week of November. I am nervous.

Me too!!! I am ready for this wait to be over. Its like waiting for your life to begin or end.

Are any of you staying on campus or commuting ?

I am off campus but waiting to see if I get in so I can move on campus. It will be much easier than commuting

I plan on doing the same. I plan on moving to Clayton station if I was to get accepted.

😩😩😩 I didn't realize it would be that long! The wait is so hard! I'm so ready to start this journey

I am at clayton. i live off campus

I was interviewed on Oct 8. I think it went well, I signed a form regarding the cost of program, I hope that's a good sign. The waiting game seems to be the hardest part. My understanding is that if you're interviewed, you either get accepted into the program or wait-listed. Good luck to everyone!!

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