Clayton State University Spring 2016

U.S.A. Georgia


Greetings Ga Nurses! I am applying for Clayton State's BSN Program Spring 2016 session. It would be great to meet others on this similar journey, and hopefully we can support each other on the way. Looking forward to the challenge of Nursing School!

Good luck you guys!

I got an email today to have an interview tomorrow! Good Luck everyone!

Did it go to your student email? I just checked mine and nothing new... 😞 What time was the email sent? What are your stats? Sorry to bombard with questions!!

Who was the email from? Congrats and good luck on the interview let us know how it goes!

Han Dong was the person who call me. I missed the call and she sent an email to my regular email not the school email....I have a bachelor's degree already. I'm a CNA. GPA:3.4 M/S: I have no idea..KNAT:77. I have taken pathophysiology already too. Idk if that helps but I think those are the things they looked at

I got the call and email yesterday about 4:20

Greetings everyone. How are you guys?!!! I just got called for an interview for tomorrow. Does anyone have any tips for the interview?

I just got the call! My interview is Thursday at 2 :) I have similar stats previous degree, 3.1 overall GPA

KNAT: 85

I'm so happy to have been invited for an interview!

Just be yourself. Know why you want to be at csu nursing program. And what makes you want to be a nurse. Your strengths and weaknesses.

Do you know who your interview is with?

My email was from Colleen Walters, I'm assuming her? How many questions were asked? Was it just one person?

I think 9 questions and yes it was just one person. And yes I'm sure that would be the person you are interviewing with. Good luck!

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