CHOC Children's RN Residency Feb 2021

Nurses Job Hunt


Hi everyone! Starting a thread for CHOC Children's RN Residency that is starting in Fed 2021 ?


Specializes in Nursing.

I haven’t heard anything yet either! Keep me updated! 

has anyone heard from cvicu?

Still haven't heard anything and I don't know of anyone else who has heard anything. Starting to get nervous since the site says we are supposed to hear by 12/4

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.

We should all be hearing back by tomorrow, correct?

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
2 minutes ago, jellybeanri said:

Still haven't heard anything and I don't know of anyone else who has heard anything. Starting to get nervous since the site says we are supposed to here by 12/4

Same here - I only know of the one person that posted on FB (mentioned above in this thread) - otherwise, no one else that I know of... hopefully we know one way or another by tomorrow ?? Thinking good thoughts!

10 minutes ago, jellybeanri said:

Still haven't heard anything and I don't know of anyone else who has heard anything. Starting to get nervous since the site says we are supposed to here by 12/4

Where is the site that says we will be contacted by 12/4?? I remember I saw the dates they will contact and interview, but can't find it anywhere ?

12 minutes ago, nursejess619 said:

Same here - I only know of the one person that posted on FB (mentioned above in this thread) - otherwise, no one else that I know of... hopefully we know one way or another by tomorrow ?? Thinking good thoughts!

I hope so! It could also just be taking longer than they anticipated. At least we are all in the same boat!

19 minutes ago, Elizabeth H said:

Where is the site that says we will be contacted by 12/4?? I remember I saw the dates they will contact and interview, but can't find it anywhere ?

I'm not sure where I found that information because I'm not seeing it anywhere on the site either.  I wonder if it was in the job description? But I can't pull that up. I definitely remember seeing 12/4 and writing it down in my notes.  Perhaps they removed that date from the site? Not sure... but if none of us have heard that's probably good news!

12/4 was in the job description and interviews are suppose to be held the week of the 14th (also in job description- I took a picture of it). Generally speaking if you don't hear back in the time frame written it usually means no interview (from previous experience). Also just a heads up last time it took over 4 weeks for me to actually get the email stating they went with other applicants. Hoping we all hear something back today though!

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
16 minutes ago, New-ishRN said:

12/4 was in the job description and interviews are suppose to be held the week of the 14th (also in job description- I took a picture of it). Generally speaking if you don't hear back in the time frame written it usually means no interview (from previous experience). Also just a heads up last time it took over 4 weeks for me to actually get the email stating they went with other applicants. Hoping we all hear something back today though!

Thanks for the information! Praying we hear good news today - otherwise it wasn’t meant to be! Best of luck to everyone and I’ll for sure keep y’all posted on my end if I hear anything!

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
Specializes in Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant.
1 hour ago, nursejess619 said:

Any updates??

Nooooo..... ☹️

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