Children's Colorado New Grad Program March 2014 Start

U.S.A. Colorado



So I couldn't find a thread for the March 2014 start date, so I thought I would start one! How is everyone? I believe we find out soon if we were selected for interviews. Anyone know anything else?

Same here midge

Correction ! My email is from UCH. I sped read and was so excited I didn't catch it was UCH and not children's.

OH MY GOODNESS MAGNOLIA!!! Not cool, you had me so sad!! lol! Congrats on the interview for UCH!! Hopefully we will all hear back from Childrens Soon.

So sorry. It didn't say who it was with until the signature and I couldn't open the email where I was at first. I thought UCH was going to be a while and thought for sure children's would be today. Fingers crossed.

Ahhhhh I'm going crazy haha

Nurse216 which department with UCH? I got NICU and birth center.

No department :/ surprisingly I thought I was a pretty good candidate, oh well haha.

Sorry Nurse216 I misunderstood. Hang in there.

I'm hanging :) I truly believe everything happens for a reason, good and bad

You're absolutely right Nurse216. There is a reason for everything! It sure doesn't make waiting any easier though does it? Lol

Definitely not, haha.

I just got a call. Will be interviewing in CCBD and NICU!!!

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