Chico State Spring 2015 Applicants

U.S.A. California


Post about your point totals, your questions about the program, deadlines, and get to know one another throughout the application process!

Thanks for the info. I know what you mean. Good luck!

Thanks, you too! We have about the same points, fingers crossed for us!!

Has anyone heard by what time they will be emailing us? The anxiety is killer!!!

Oh dang I just read this now. Ughh! Why wouldn't they email us to tell us this??

Not sure, sunbun123. That would have been nice.

I called their office today and it went to voicemail... and the answering machine said they would let us know by wednesday afternoon. Hopefully it won't be any later than that!

Well thank you SO MUCH for posting that!! I'm in the middle of finals and just the added anxiety today was torture. 2 more days!!! We can do it, ya'll!

I know some people have already got acceptance today via email! Still haven't received an email from the school. I assume they send it to the email we used for nursingCAS right?

I just recieved my acceptance letter like 20 minutes ago!! The cutoff was 89 points, I had 90. Good luck to everyone !!!!

I haven't received anything yet. But I had 88.5 points so looks like I didn't make the cut off :/

Just got my acceptance email, I got in! Cutoff was 89, I had 91 points.

There were 174 applicants, and it was a tough cutoff. To all who didn't get in this time, don't give up!

Has anyone gotten a waitlist email yet??

I haven't received anything about the waitlist.

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