Chico State Nursing Program Spring 2012

U.S.A. California


Hey everyone! Anyone heard back from Chico State yet on Spring semester 2012?

Well I had to call to make sure if that's what you mean. I was kinda scared too. I hope I make it or at least close to making it in. How do you think you did.

I didnt do great on the teas because I didnt study much for it. I have all As in my sciencs prereqs but i have micro in progress so i probably didnt get all the points. I have a 3.7 GPA. Im not to sure how many points I have

I hope I get all my points it would be somewhere in the 80s. I hope that's good enough. And it sucks.

If they give me the points for Spanish Speaking then at the most I will have 80 points. Its not amazing but we will see.

I know I will forsure get in somewhere for the fall though if I dont get in anywhere for the spring. I was an alternate at Long Beach

Wow that's a tough School to even be considered I was rejected off the bat. Good luck. I really hope I do get in. The only points I didn't get was living there.

No news for me yet, you?

So you got nothing in mail. I haven't checked

I got nothing in the mail. I shall see tomorrow.

Nothing in mail today

Received notification of acceptance via email today! Yahoo! Good luck to you all!



You have been accepted to the CSU, Chico Nursing program for Spring 2012.* You will be receiving a formal notification from our director, Dr. Carol Huston,*in the U. S. mail delivered to the current address you listed on your application."

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