Chico State Nursing Program Spring 2012

U.S.A. California


Hey everyone! Anyone heard back from Chico State yet on Spring semester 2012?

Can we ask what points they gave us? Or no

I called the office today, and the lady that answered said that they are working on the applications this week. I did ask if they were going to list the points they gave us, and she told me that on the letter they send they will list a "general idea" of the points.

Thanks guys for calling. I am wondering if you get accepted if it comes in a packet or letter? I know that I read online that with your acceptance letter you will have information for orientation and materials and all that stuff which comes in a packet.

did anyone get anything yet?//

No, not yet. The lady I talked to on Monday said the letters are going to be sent out Wednesday. So I hope that stays the same! This whole waiting things is really nerve-racking.

So Wednesday. Plus two or three Days for delivery? So maybe by Friday? Wow. I'm nervous too I hope I make it really badly.

Sending out wednesday means we will get them like Thursday? I heard they sent out the people who did not get in first

Aww that's not good news then.

So its a good sign if we don't hear from Chico soon? Do they assign alternate numbers?

Did anyone recieve any type of email from the beginning confirming that they received your application? Cause i didnt and I'm nervous

Ok good. I was beginning to think they didn't recieve my app.

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