

Hi I am a student at ECU and I am intended nursing major. I am really struggling with chemistry and am starting to doubt myself. Anyone who has been in my shoes have any advice?

Specializes in LTC and Pediatrics.

Find a tutor. Check with your school to find a tutor. Helped me a lot

Specializes in Healthcare risk management and liability.

Khan Academy

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These are the usual resources that I recommend, especially the Khan Academy courses. I have taken some just for the heck of it, and I have a BS and MS in chemistry from the early 1980's, when we rode our dinosaurs to class.

Risk Manager, where you when I took that accelerated chem course?

Excellent advice as always. I am thinking OP just needs to answer the course objectives and move on...STAT.

S/He has much bigger fish to fry.

The chemistry credit is revenue for the school. That credit is a whole lot of work for NOTHING.

Don't doubt yourself.. get through it. It is just one course. This "knowledge" of chemistry will not mean squat when you are a nurse.

Get a tutor if you need to. I found rote memorization got me through. To Hades with Boyle and his laws

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