Published Jul 25, 2007
13 Posts
I live in california and we dont have quick results. How will i be able to check the results?
okay i figured i can go to the brn site, but how long will it take for the results to be posted on their website?
244 Posts
i dont know how long they can take to post the result but for me,i had to call them and they said they dont do quick result.i had to wait till they sent my result via mail at 10days after my exams but i heard that may be around 3-5days,you can type in your name in their website to check.Goodluck!! dont let your heart jump out of you due to anxiety!!hahahaha!! just a joke.
I dont know if i'll be able to wait 10 days, not even 3-5. I just dont understand why ca wouldnt have quick results. Either way i'll be typing in my name to see if it shows up after 2 days. Wish me luck. I need to get back to my saunder cd's.
i understand how you feel.i wish you luck but for me after calling Ca BON to see if i can get an operator that can tell me if i passed or failed and i didnt know about typing in your name.I mellowed down even the day they sent it,it was the least thing i was expecting since they told me it takes 10-14 days and there it comes,my was an amazing feelings.knowing that i passed and dont have to take the nclex exams twice.goodluck.You'll make it.