Charity School of Nursing Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi, all... So I am applying in January 2018 for the fall 18` semester. I wanted to start a thread to not only have a place where can all ask questions and share info but to hopefully make some friends to start the program with. I know several girls and guys who have completed the program and having a good relationship with your peers is a must.

"If you visualize it, if you are dreaming of it, it is already on its way!"

Abraham Hicks

I'm going to turn in my application tomorrow, y'all! I didn't share before but I have all pre-reqs finished and I *think* I have a profile score of 75 if my advisor calculated it correctly and also have a 94 on my HESI. Nolapeachnurse, we're close in age, I'll be 31 this year and have two little ones so I'm praying hard for some good news in April! I can't wait any longer! I'm so anxious to get started. Good luck to everyone!

So, I took the HESI today and got an 85, which brings my assessment score to a 95. I'm going to bring in my app on Monday. The waiting is going to have my anxiety through the roof. Ugh...Good luck to you, ladies. I'm praying for us all.

Those are excellent scores! I don't think you have anything to worry about!

Those are excellent scores! I don't think you have anything to worry about!

Hopefully, we all get accepted! Oh, I have a quick question. What are we to write on the brown envelope that the packet goes in? People are telling me different things.

I didnt have a brown packet. I just had my stuff in a folder. She had me take everything out and made sure i had everything. Then she put it in one of their folders..

Same here. I brought mine in a folder and they just took it all out, checked it & gave me back my folder.

Thanks ladies. :)

So, I just finished typing out my application and noticed that there's no longer a section at the end to write a paragraph on why I want to become a nurse. Is it no longer a part of the application? I'm just making sure my computer isn't doing something weird and not showing it. LOL!

Mine didn't have it either but I know that section was on there because the application I printed out awhile back had that section on there still. There was a couple other questions they took out as well.

Mine didn't have it either but I know that section was on there because the application I printed out awhile back had that section on there still. There was a couple other questions they took out as well.

Thanks so much. I just wanted to make sure. Also, the only part of the packet that needs to be typed is the application itself, right? And the checklist states that all printouts of course descriptions from schools other than Delgado must have the student's name and L number on it. Do I write it? Sorry about all of the questions. I'm just so nervous and want to get it all right.

Yes to all. They told me to write L number on top of every sheet of paper.

Yes to all. They told me to write L number on top of every sheet of paper.

Thank you, lady! :)

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