Charity School of Nursing Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi, all... So I am applying in January 2018 for the fall 18` semester. I wanted to start a thread to not only have a place where can all ask questions and share info but to hopefully make some friends to start the program with. I know several girls and guys who have completed the program and having a good relationship with your peers is a must.

"If you visualize it, if you are dreaming of it, it is already on its way!"

Abraham Hicks

Thanks! I felt that was a stupid question, but I definitely have the fear of not having a complete application packet and being tossed out. :(

I hear ya!!!! I was wondering about the same so i called charity and asked! Getting everything ready to turn in has me an anxious mess!!!!

Ahhhh good luck... Positive Vibes.. Prayers.. EVERYTHING & ANYTHING to bring us all good news

You guys, I turned in my application today. I am feeling so discouraged. I've mentioned before that I have a decent hesi score (87, accidentally put 77 on my previous comment and it wouldn't let me edit on here), a prior bachelors degree, and a profile score of 75. I am currently taking a&p 2 this semester. I keep seeing so many people in my position not getting in because they haven't completed the a&p 2 before applying. I know it states that you can still apply with just the a&p 1, but I still feel like it's a huge strike against me when I look at other people on the previous class forums that didn't get in for that reason. Am I alone in feeling a bit discouraged? I've worked so hard to get to this point, and I am so nervous that I won't get in, and it will be another round of applying and waiting again. I just really want to get started! I'm in my early 30's and I am putting my whole life on hold to complete this. Sorry to sound negative, just felt like sharing my feelings though. Ok, back to happy thoughts! :)

Happy to listen and we are all here to be there for one another! A 75 is a strong profile score. Do u know anyone who did not get in with a 75 or higher that did not have ap2 yet??

Happy to listen and we are all here to be there for one another! A 75 is a strong profile score. Do u know anyone who did not get in with a 75 or higher that did not have ap2 yet??

I have read on a few Charity posts that there have been some people who have stated that they had high scores (80+) that did not get in, and they had suspected it was because of that reason. I have also been seeing people not get in because their profile scores were not calculated correctly at Charity, and I do know 2 people personally that have experienced the miscalculations and had to follow up. I guess we will just have to wait and see though. I have done so well in my pre reqs (All A's and a couple of B's), and I really feel like I have proven myself. That's all I can do at this point! I just pray that Charity takes my hard work into consideration. If not, I am confident for the next go around. No reason to worry about it now, but I am hoping for the best for us all!

You have a good profile and Hesi. You have excellent grades. I think you have a better chance getting in than not getting in. I have a 70 profile score, 85 hesi and already took ap2. I am so nervous!!! April feels soooooo far away, it's going to be a long wait!!!!

I know, the wait is brutal haha! I think you will get in though. Fingers crossed for you!

Yes the wait is so long... Trying not to think about it but its kinda hard! Hopefully I can distract myself with classes lol

I am going to drop off app tomorrow. Where did yall park?

I am going to drop off app tomorrow. Where did yall park?

I just parked on the side of the school and fed the meter a couple of dollars. You walk in, sign in, head upstairs, and hand your stuff to admissions! The girl in admissions checks things off, which was a relief to me to let me know that I had everything I needed in my packet.

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