Published Sep 1, 2005
Nurse Alissa
99 Posts
I know this is probably the least of everyones worries, but I just got to thinking... Whats going to happen to Charity School of Nursing? I was just in my frist semester, but I know the school is probably no more good... Ive heard they flooded really bad, like up to the 3rd floor.
I wonder what they are going to do with us? Its not like we can easily transfer...
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I know this is probably the least of everyones worries, but I just got to thinking... Whats going to happen to Charity School of Nursing? I was just in my frist semester, but I know the school is probably no more good... Ive heard they flooded really bad, like up to the 3rd floor. I wonder what they are going to do with us? Its not like we can easily transfer...
Sorry to read this. I am sure they will rebuild somewhere and take care of the situation accordingly when it gets to it. It's probably at the bottom of the list at the moment as rescuing ppl and getting them to shelter is a priority. Then getting the area dried, electricity to all etc.......Good luck to you. :icon_hug:
217 Posts
I also lost my school in New Orleans. For info about universities you can go to they have a forum for students who attended the universities in New Orleans.
Good luck to you.
2,016 Posts
I heard on the news that several schools had offered to waive deadlines, applications, etc to established NOLA students affected by Katrina. I'm sure there's something in the works for the nursing students as well :)
I'm glad you're okay!
221 Posts
You might check with the American Assoc of Colleges of Nursing or National Student Nurses' Assoc in the upcoming days. I recieved a broadcast announcement yesterday that they are working on gathering info from schools to help displaced nursing students.
AACN has a listing of schools that are helping place students:
Good luck to you all - you're in my thoughts. If there is anything I can do to help you in this difficult time, please let me know.
1,714 Posts
I just started at LSUHSC, and also have no idea. They have made plans for med and dental students, but not for us yet. Many state colleges are waving tuition or charging in-state for evacuees, but obviously many have already started and no one wants to start somewhere else before hearing what our original schools are going to do. I know that University hospital has finally evacuated, so they may be better able to worry about students now. The news keeps saying that Charity has as well, so hopefully they'll get their website back up too. Good luck to you, and if I hear anything about Charity I'll come back to this thread.
126 Posts
I am sorry about the lose, but I am in the somewhat of the same boat... this fall was going to be the last of my pre-reqs... I was hoping to have early entry into the nursing program for Jan.... It appears that my dreams have been squashed... I am currently in Lafayette .....awaiting to get back to my home. (???).. There will be no commerece in New Orleans.....I can not explain the pain and loss of losing your home, your work, your health insurance, and the dreams of being a nurse in -all in one day.... There is no way that I will be able to continue school for having to support other family members (including myself).. I know this is selfish...
10 Articles; 19,052 Posts
keep checking this website:
notice #48,posted 09/05/2005 at 3:15 pm
message from dr. elizabeth humphrey
all nursing students
the school of nursing is progressing with plans to resume all nursing programs. we are exploring clinical opportunities for nursing students and are working with the louisiana state board of nursing and the council on accreditation of nurse anesthesia programs to continue to provide quality educational experiences for all our nursing students.
it is our goal to continue the lsuhsc nursing program. the faculty is meeting to develop a plan so that all our students in our programs can continue their education. please continue to check this website for updated information. all official announcements will be communicated through this website. we are available to answer your questions between the hours of 9 am to 6 pm at (225) 578-7522.
September 13, 2005 Update
Delgado Community College
Charity School of Nursing
Status of CSN Programs: The faculty is currently attempting to re-establish the NAC II course. It is anticipated that the course will resume sometime in October, pending clinical affiliations and classroom availability. The anticipated date of completion may be January or February. Upon completion, you will be able to make application to the Louisiana State Board of Nursing to sit for the licensure exam.
Administration will meet to discuss the progress of current students and the admission of future classes. It is anticipated that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level ADN classes will resume in Spring semester, 2006. The status of the Practical Nursing program will also be discussed and PN classes are also expected to resume in Spring semester, 2006.
Student Concerns
Financial Aid: The College along with the Louisiana Community and Technical College System and federal authorities are working to resolve financial aid issues. If attending a new college please contact the financial aid office at that institution. They will be able to assist you in the transfer of financial aid.
Self Paid Tuition: For those students who have paid tuition for the Fall semester, 2005 and are unable to attend classes, it is anticipated that those funds will be made available for the Spring semester, 2006.
Transcript Requests: According to the college registrar's office the transcript information is not available at this time. We will continue to keep students updated on the status of this information.
Students Enrolled in Other Nursing Programs: The provost is currently collaborating with the deans from other schools of Nursing to evaluate courses for substitution credit. Ms. Egers must also discuss this issue with the Louisiana State Board of Nursing. Please do not assume that the course will automatically transfer. Each Nursing course will be evaluated based on the credit hours and course descriptions. Every consideration will be made to accept these courses, but there is no automatic transfer. Students with concerns regarding transfer of credits should have the deans e-mail Ms. Joan Hodge at [email protected] with their contact information. Ms. Hodge will route this information to Ms. Egers and she will contact the deans of the Nursing schools.
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