Changing from nights to days

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Telemetry, Oncology, Progressive Care.

I am having a hard time changing from night shift to days. I start my new job today and even had 1 week off in between. I was doing 3 12s. I only did it for 7 months. It's not like a was a long time night shifter. My sleep schedule is so messed up. I slept pretty good last night but most nights I only sleep for 3 hours and just wake up at 1 or 2 am and can't get back to sleep so I just get up. One night I even took a benadryl to help me sleep and hope I'd get on a normal schedule. I don't want to take a Benadryl every night to help me sleep. I've contemplated going to the doctor for sleeping pills.

I know it's bad but some days I'd get so tired I'd lay down and sometimes take 2 naps. I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Of course that screws with my night time sleeping. The one night I did sleep well I had gone out and was drinking alcohol. But, I don't want to do that on a regular basis. Before I started working nights I never slept during the day. Couldn't if I tried. I'd maybe take a 20 minute nap.

Has anyone had similar issues? I just feel so sleep deprived. My husband is really bothered by my erratic sleeping and talked with a few people. He bombarded me with "well, since you sleep all the time you could be depressed". Well, I know that is a sign of depression and I don't sleep all the time. If you add up my "sleeps" it is definitely not all the time. Just not a good schedule. I was really hoping that week off would get me on a good schedule.

Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.

I never have got used to day shift myself. I would toss and turn, and my brain would not shut off, thinking about the busy day I would have ahead. Sunday nights were the worse, as my Mondays were ALWAYS hectic.

I used to take little naps inbetween nights, I would sleep or doze for maybe 3-4 hours.

But you may need sleeping tablets. They are not necessarily bad, but will help you get back into a sleeping pattern. If you accept that you will always have SOME sleepless nights, u may find you can then sleep better.

Try doing yoga or pilates on your days off, that really relaxed me, and one reason I couldn't sleep was because my feet would be throbbing. Try a foot spa, that can help. Also I found limiting my TV watching helped, and reading a good book for half an hour in bed made me drowsy - but don't get one that is TOO good as you'll want to stay awake to read it!

Also another piece of advice experts give is to go to bed at the same time every night. I reckon that doesn't work. I only go to bed when I am actually tired, then I find I drop off to sleep easier.

Sorry can't think of anything else at the mo. If I do, I will re-post.

Specializes in ER/ICU/STICU.

I had worked night shift most of my career and then was put on a rotating schedule. It can be very difficult switching and had the same problem with staying asleep. I have been taking lunesta and it works well for me. The sleep doctor told me that it can sometimes take weeks to get back into a regular sleeping patterns.

Specializes in pulm/cardiology pcu, surgical onc.

It took me close to 2 months while on maternity leave to be able to sleep a solid 7 hrs straight. I would go to bed so wiped out (37+ wks pregnant), only to wake up at like 1am and not go back to sleep til like 0500. When I finally could start sleeping at noc is when I had a newborn and 4 yr old. It's an awful feeling I know and so not worth the anxiety it sounds like you're going through. I don't have any suggestions besides meds, or forcing yourself to stay awake during the day. Invariably in time you will sleep again. The best of luck and sweet dreams ;)

One week of trying to adjust to 7 months of working nights is not a long time. If you don't feel depressed, I wouldn't really worry about actually being diagnosed as depressed. Your body just isn't used to it yet. Slowly you will get adjusted. It also depends on what your usual sleep patterns are. Some people are just more night owls than others and feel sleepy during the day regardless.

Specializes in geriatrics.

I work permanent nights, and I have never been a day person. Even though my sleep can be erratic sometimes during the day, I have always felt that working day shifts are unnatural for me. One thing that helps me get to sleep is melatonin. I take one capsule before I am ready to sleep. I think some people are just not meant to be days, and the reverse is equally true.

Specializes in CNA.

yeah its hard to adjust to a different sleep schedule. Give yourself more time, try the melatonin before trying any prescription sleep aide. It does seem to help. Make sure you arent drinking caffeine or smoking atleast 3 hours before trying to sleep. good luck!

I bet that once you start working days you will be nice and tired by the time you need to hit the hay. Days are more hectic (usually) and you may have no problem falling asleep at night. Sounds like your husband and my husband share the same concerns/issues about fatigue and us sleeping all the time, even on days off :(. Hopefully working days will be better for your family.

Specializes in Psychiatric, Home Health, Geriatrics.

I have never been able to adjust back completely. One thing that I tried that seemed to help was to change very gradually - go to sleep one hour earlier or later every couple days until your system has adjusted to the day schedule - one way or the other will result in a complete reversal to the daytime schedule. It takes discipline, though, to remain on that new schedule - that is my downfall because on days off I always tend to revert back to my old night owl schedule but that is my own fault ;-)

Specializes in ICU/Telemetry.

I had the same problem when I transferred to days after 9 months on nights. I would not worry about depression. Your body needs time to adjust to the change. Everyone is different. What helped me was on the nights I woke up at 3 am. I would force myself not to nap during the day so that I would sleep at night. Some nights I was so tired, I went to bed at seven. I started sleeping later and later. After a few weeks I was back to normal.

Good luck!

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