
CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH POINTERS/TIPS for the TEAS test, I am scheduled for December 10, 2008. I am so nervous, I have started to study the TEAS study guide...BUT I am STUCK on the math portion...PLEASE HELP ME I AM FREAKING OUT. I really want to be a nurse, but this standardized test has me scared!


Chill out! The math is very basic. Nothing to get your nickers in a twist over. If you have the study guide it will show you exactly what you need to know. Actually, I found the test easier than the study guide. Have a little faith in yourself. Don't sabotage yourself with thoughts of failure.


(I'm in my first semester at CSN and doing great)

THANK YOU..............I really am so excited, I have been contemplating nursing for the last year or so and finally I decided to just step out on faith and do it!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH....hopefully I will see you around CSN in SP 10.....GOOD LUCK!!:bowingpur

IS CSN as bad as they say, how demanding is it??

Can you remember what is actually on the exam??

I can tell you that you that at the beginning of every semester at CSN you are required to take a calculations exam and pass with a grade of 90 or better. If you struggle with basic ratio and proportions you may have difficulty with this. As we have progressed, the tests consist of calculating infusion rates based on body weight, and microgram drip calculations, etc. Takes a bit of practice but not really difficult. There are math questions on every test and they require us to show our work. I am fairly certain that every nursing school has math/calculations requirements.

get a basic math book and brush up on skills...progress from there..

I totally freaked out over the TEAS for no reason. If you have the blue study guide, that's all you need. The test is actually easier than that. You get your score right away too.

Something I would suggest that really helped with my nerves is purchasing the practice test on the ATI website - it is in the exact format of the test, just fewer questions.

Believe me, if you're doing well in the pre-reqs for Charity, the TEAS is nothing in comparison to taking, say, A&P and Microbiology.

Also, I do not know from experience (I've applied for Fall '09, will find out if I'm in around Xmas) but there is a current 1st semester Charity student in my A&P lab. From what she says it IS that demanding but you can do it as long as you devote much of your time to studying. She also advises all of us to not be like her and get all the "other" classes out of the way before starting at Charity because you will need all your time to study for nursing classes.

There are alot of single parents in my classes and many are doing very well so you can do it!

Yeah...."THATS JUST IT"...unfortunately PROFESSIONALLY I felt UNFULLFILLED soooo this will be my third degree!!!!! I took ALL of the prerequisites 11 years ago, with the exception of A&P II from talking with someone I believe that I will have to take A&P 1 again because its so long!! I MUST brush up on these old skills or else I will be DOOMED, thats why I am stressing SOOOOOO much because I know its been a long long time.

I did purchase the study guide that was provided in the DCC bookstore when I went a registered for the exam..and OH YEAH its a doozer! I hope that you get in for FALL 09 semester, its something how they make US wait sooo long! I have everything that I will need for my acceptance I have even gone to apply BACK so that I can finish that darn A&P II. That would be a GREAT XMAS gift for you...I cant wait till its my turn...I will have much longer to wait...because I wanna apply for the SP 09 semester. Good Luck...pray for me...I need it!!! I will be on pins and needles until I get my acceptance letter!! :bugeyes::uhoh3:

This is my 3rd degree also; however, Delgado/Charity had some issues with a few of my classes and I only graduated 7 years ago (I did 2 majors in 5 years the first time around - it really got me nowhere :cry:). I was a business and music major so, of course I didn't have any of the sciences, but I had to go back and take another math and English.

It's confusing and can sometimes seem disorganized, but talk with someone in the departments if you haven't already done so (science, math, English) just to make sure everything is in place to apply. Had I not done that, my application most likely wouldn't have counted. Not trying to scare you here, just letting you know what I had to do. It sounds like you have a pretty advanced degree having already taken all those science courses. I'll bet you're a shoo-in for Spring '10.

I think you'll be just fine. No worries. Remember, you only need a 64.7 to be eligible (They will be raising that to 70 soon) I totally thought I bombed it and ended up with an 85. You'll finish it and kick yourself for freaking out, believe me :D. Good luck!

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