Published Oct 10, 2008
17 Posts
Do you think it would be prudent for me to leave my job at a telemetry unit (night shift) for a medsurg unit (day shift)? I want to live a "normal" life for my health. Nothing compares to a good night's sleep right? But my telemetry unit is too crazy for me to handle. I think medsurg would be an easier load. I think my health and sanity is more of a priority than working at a "specialized unit" which isn't where I wanted to work at in the first place. What do you think?
halabira :sstrs:
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,811 Posts
If you're doing it for your health, by all means do it. If you're doing it because you think med-surg would be an easier load, you are sadly mistaken. You're likely to have more patients, do more treatments, admit more patients, discharge, meals, care, etc. etc. Med-Surg day shift is one of the toughtest jobs out there in my opinion.
Good luck!
Thanks, Tweety. That definitely gave me a different perspective about it.
mama_d, BSN, RN
1,187 Posts
Uck. I work nights on a tele unit (we have a 5-6:1 ratio) and would quit if I had to go work med-surg days. I would not be able to handle the patient load (sometimes 8:1) and keep my big mouth shut about it. I do however like being in a specialty area, so that helps.
ok ok, im not going! lol.. thanks mama d. so which unit on the day shift should i go to? i need the least amount of stress! am i asking for too much? somebody help me! thanks.