Chamberlain college


Is Chamberlain College in Atlanta, GA accredited now? If so how would you describe the BSN program? Lastly What time of the day are classes offered (day, eve, wknd)?

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Moved to the Chamberlain College forum.

Is Chamberlain College in Atlanta, GA accredited now? If so how would you describe the BSN program? Lastly What time of the day are classes offered (day, eve, wknd)?

Your state BON website will tell you specifically if the program is Accredited. I would start there. Then I recommend contacting an advisor in the location to meet with them and discuss the class schedule, because it varies depending on the class you're taking and location.

Good luck!

Thank you, I went to the BON website and saw they are accredited for the BSN only. Which means if I later wanted to get my masters they aren't accredited for it even though they offer it. I won't put all my eggs in one basket as I saw a lot of other schools accredited for both. My job now takes rn's with a bsn at minimum and have been pushing for nurses to get their masters.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
Thank you, I went to the BON website and saw they are accredited for the BSN only. Which means if I later wanted to get my masters they aren't accredited for it even though they offer it. I won't put all my eggs in one basket as I saw a lot of other schools accredited for both. My job now takes rn's with a bsn at minimum and have been pushing for nurses to get their masters.

Chamberlain's MSN programs are CCNE accredited. You can look it up here: CCNE - Accredited Programs — it's under the central Chamberlain office in Illinois, out of which the MSN program is managed. It's also discussed on the Chamberlain website: Masters in Nursing, Earn Your Master of Science in Nursing Degree.

That was another school I seen on GA BON website that interest me, but it did say that their accreditation is conditional. I'll be looking into it more and seeing how many of my current credit will transfer.

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