Published Aug 14, 2005
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
cgfns opens exam center in moscow, russian federation
philadelphia, pa-july 18, 2005-the commission on graduates of foreign nursing schools (cgfns) is pleased to announce that it is opening an exam center in moscow, russian federation to conduct its qualifying exam for nurses. the exam center number for the moscow location is 929. the exam center will be open for the november 9, 2005 exam. the deadline for applying (for the moscow center only) is october 5, 2005. the deadline for applying for the november 9 exam for all other centers is august 10.
this may be beneficial to some of you.
10 Posts
Hello, Suzanne!
this is my first post in the forum so I wanna say Hello to everyone. I find this forum very useful. I'm a an international nurse. I live in Russia. I've got two diplomas - a nurse diploma and a diploma of MD. but I still wanna work in the Us as a RN.
I wanna ask about the CGFNS in Moscow,Russia. it's a very good news that yhe new office is opened in my coutry.
but I don't understand - what does the deadline mean? Does it mean that if I send all the papers to the CGFNS office for evaluation before Oct,5 I will be scheduled for Nov,9 exam?
thank you
Yes, they have to receive all documents by then, including transcripts from your school, etc. by that date.
This date is only for Moscow................Have you taken your English exams as well?
Welcome to :balloons:
Yes. I got 597 & 4.5 on TOEFL & 50 on TSE. I think that's enough.
I just can't understand why I can send my papers so late - for other locations the deadline is Aug. What makes Moscow office so special? Is CGFNS going to proceed the papers from Russia much faster than anywhere else?
Because of the late announcement of the opening of the office there. This is just a special deal for this one time. In the future for all other exams, it will be the normal 90 day cut-off date.
Consider yourslef very lucky and fortunate................let me know if we can be of anymore help.
Out of curiosity, did you know about the opening beforehand, or just from reading this post?
To be honest I already knew that there will be opened office in Russia. But I just couldn't figure out why the deadline is on Oct.
Suzanne, you are the greatest help. You are the God blessing to all of us. Thank you very much for providing such information.
I've got some more questions concerning CGFNS (if you don't mind ^-). Do guys in CGFNS have to already get all my papers before Oct, 5 or I just have to send it before the deadline?
Is it possible to send the papers via first-class mail (i.e. DHL or UPS) to save time or I have to use the snail (regular) mail?
What will happen if the CGFNS gets my papers before the deadline but there will be some mistakes in it? - If I send them the rest of my papers later than Oct,5 will I still be scheduled for Nov,9? Or I have just one shot to send the whole package will only correct papers?
I'm asking this because I'm afraid that the CGFNS will find some mistakes in my papers (noone in my nursing colledge speaks English, so it will be very difficult for them to fill out the papers). And I don't wanna wait until next exam date.
P.S. please exuse me for my English-writing. I still have some problems in expressing my thoughts on paper.
thank you very much!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
. Is it possible to send the papers via first-class mail (i.e. DHL or UPS) to save time or I have to use the snail (regular) mail?
would always recommend using UPS, FedEx or DHL it is quicker with cgfns. Snail mail will take weeks before they will open it
They must have everyhting in their office by the October cut-off date and correctly filled out. If there are mistakes, then it will be the next date before you will be able to take the exam. I would try and get the papers in now, so that if there are mistakes, you will have time to get the corrected. There is no reason to wait until closer to that time to send in everything.
And only use a courier service, they must have the papers by that date, not just a postmark.
I'm afraid I won't be able to get my paperwork done before the deadline. I still have to get some additional hours to my nursing diploma cuz I'm difficient in psychiatry, ostetrics and therapy.
I kooked up I other threads about the VisaScreen. Do you think I have to apply for VS now even if I'll take the CGFNS test on March to save time as long as I passed the English-skills exams?
My personal opinion would be to skip the CGFNS exam all together and concentrate on the NCLEX exam, if you are able to fly to London and write the exam. You will save yourself time and quite a bit of money. CGFNS exam realy doesn't offer any benefit for you, especially if you are going to need to make up those hours.
What type of therapy? The US doesn't require hours in therapy...........
wow! I didn't know that there is possibility to take NCLEX in London. I'll think about it. but I know nothing about applying for the NCLEX. previously I thought that I'll be able to take NCLEX in the US after getting the visa through the CGFNS.
how will I evaluate my international education (diploma)? do I still have to deal with CGFNS and their Credentials Verification?
I don't wanna seem to be lazy but could you give me simple step-by-step plan what to do? I mean I don't understand the procedure of getting the visa through NCLEX.
is passing NCLEX enough to get the Visa Screen? I'm afraid that I'll be requested to pass the CGFNS exam later if I need to make an endorsement of my licence to another state (i.e. Colorado).
do you know the exact amout of hours which need to be written in the application so there will be no shortage? I you do - please send me a pm.
wow! i didn't know that there is possibility to take nclex in london. i'll think about it. but i know nothing about applying for the nclex. previously i thought that i'll be able to take nclex in the us after getting the visa through the cgfns. how will i evaluate my international education (diploma)? do i still have to deal with cgfns and their credentials verification? i don't wanna seem to be lazy but could you give me simple step-by-step plan what to do? i mean i don't understand the procedure of getting the visa through passing nclex enough to get the visa screen? i'm afraid that i'll be requested to pass the cgfns exam later if i need to make an endorsement of my licence to another state (i.e. colorado). do you know the exact amout of hours which need to be written in the application so there will be no shortage? i you do - please send me a pm.
how will i evaluate my international education (diploma)? do i still have to deal with cgfns and their credentials verification?
i don't wanna seem to be lazy but could you give me simple step-by-step plan what to do? i mean i don't understand the procedure of getting the visa through nclex.
is passing nclex enough to get the visa screen? i'm afraid that i'll be requested to pass the cgfns exam later if i need to make an endorsement of my licence to another state (i.e. colorado).
do you know the exact amout of hours which need to be written in the application so there will be no shortage? i you do - please send me a pm.
i didn't know that there is possibility to take nclex in london. i'll think about it. but i know nothing about applying for the nclex. previously i thought that i'll be able to take nclex in the us after getting the visa through the cgfns. you apply to state cgfns for ces report then state bon and the pearsons once you get the go ahead (att) to sit nclex. it can definately be sat in london. would recommend going through new york as they have a special agreement with cgfns and they do all the leg work regarding getting your information instead of you doing it and sending it in. (suzanne recommends this route
is passing nclex enough to get the visa screen?yes
i'm afraid that i'll be requested to pass the cgfns exam later if i need to make an endorsement of my licence to another state (i.e. colorado). most states now are ok with ces from cgfns i think there are only 1 or 2 states now that have requirements re cgfns exam
suzanne has put this together read and see what you think
best of luck