Published Jul 22, 2007
86 Posts
Hello, I joined this web site some time ago but wasnt able to be around much, today Im comming back with a question,I hope this is not a stupid one, I was looking into forensic nursing programs in my area and found couple. The instructors have letters FN-CSA arter their "RN", but I also saw FN-CSA SANE-A, and SANE by itself, oh and there was also a CFN. I would appreciate somebody explaining that to me, I am a nursing student and I am interested in working in the ED and than becoming SANE but now I am pretty confused what is what
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Hello, Cookie_Monster and welcome to and the Forensic Nursing forum. So good to have you join us.
Yes, some of the designations can be confusing. Here are a few:
Links to above certifications:
Hope this helps to clear up any confusion. Good luck with your nursing career plans. And, hope you enjoy the site.
1,635 Posts
sirI you are a wealth of info. Thank you! I am trying to figure out how to jump start my education in forensics. I see there are numerous educational opps. I'll be taking a SANE course in Nov. Can you tell me if it's worth joining the IAFN as a fledgling foresnics wannabe? I have to watch my money but I'd like to do all I can to further myself. Do you have other suggestions? I'm looking into Kaplan but my last encounter with them left me wondering if their truly legit. Do you know? I imagine you have to be careful recommending but can you PM me or head me in the right direction? Also, it's my understanding that after I take the SANE-A course I can sit for the IAFN certification? Thanks for your patience and willingness to help.
Hello, mtsteelhorse,
Yes, I think joining IAFN is an excellent idea. You stand to receive much information up front as well as other benefits such as free CEUs, receiving discount on SANE certification as well as other nice benes.
As for Kaplan, they are, from all sources/individuals I'm seen, an excellent online program. Takes 12 months to complete and you receive a certificate of completion. Then, you may sit for certification as Certified Forensic Nurse after fulfilling the requirements for certification.
Kaplan, as well as many many other entities of all disciplines, utilize pressure tactics to get one to take their course(s). One must just take one's time and research the different educative avenues out there (like you are doing - asking questions, etc.).
And, yes, you may sit for SANE-A certification after completion of approved SANE-A program and fulfilling requirements for certification:
Hope this helps. Good luck with your program come November.
thank you for your answer sirI, just one more question, if I do the online Kaplan program and pass the certification Im officially CFN and than I have to go and do the SANE program and become CFN, SANE?
You are welcome.
Once you complete the Kaplan course, you will receive a certificate of completion as a forensic nurse. Then, sit for certification to be certified forensic nurse (CFN).
Here is a portion of the requirements to sit for certification with Amercian College of Forensic Examiners:
Have successfully completed a formal didactic educational program in forensic nursing. This may include a 3-hour undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate course (or equivalent hour-based education course), including a minimum of 40 contact hours in the core areas of forensic nursing. Core areas to have been covered in this educational program include the history of forensic nursing; the forensic nursing process; violence and victimology; injury identification, interpretation, and documentation; criminalistics and forensic science; and nursing and the law/legal interface.
And, yes, once certified as forensic nurse and certified SANE, you may use CFN, SANE after your name.