Published Aug 27, 2005
2 Posts
I am an advanced practice Nurse Practitioner and am looking for a continuing ed. coorifice in acupuncture for RN's. I find them for MD's but none for RN's. Does anybody knoe of any or any resource as to where I could find a coorifice?
6,011 Posts
Welcome t o the site. First I'd check with the BON to see if this is an accepted skill within your license.
Should there be much difference in the technique between a APN and a MD/DO in acupuncture?
Sorry I can't think of more.
Welcome though.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
Hello. I am an NP, but, I do not know of any accupuncture CEUs for nurses/NP. I do utilize herbal medicine/holistic approach, however, in my practice. My BON does not recognize the accupuncture CEUs. I take the required CEUs that the acupuncturists take in Florida, however. They require so many hours in HIV, Hepatitis B, OSHA guidelines, medical errors, lab findings (venipuncture, interpretation, common values), and imaging findings.
Sorry I could not give you a complete answer to your question.
And, please come into the Nurse Practitioner forum and share your ideas. We will be beginning a new thread soon , tentative title: CLINICAL PRESENTATION.
20,964 Posts
fascinating, Iris!