

Specializes in Family Practice Clinic.

First time to renew APRN license. Where is a good place to find CE's?

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Audio Digest is what I use + conferences.

Don't wait till the last minute

Specializes in Outpatient Psychiatry.

Get a NEJM journal watch subscription and get ten units included in the cost. Each unit is obtained by answering four multiple choice questions. You can also buy more units. Conferences are very low yield in units.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

I do conferences as much to take a mini-vaca with tax write off and network with physicians, note I don't attend NP conferences unless I'm presenting. The average for a 3 day conference has been around 25 CEUs which I think is decent and at renewal I have way more than required by my state's BON. For my learning style the knowledge I get and retain is higher yield than doing independent activities on line or in a magazine.

What is a good pace for CME? One conference or more per year? I have 5k per CY for CME so I am not sure how far that will stretch.

Specializes in Outpatient Psychiatry.
Get a NEJM journal watch subscription and get ten units included in the cost. Each unit is obtained by answering four multiple choice questions. You can also buy more units. Conferences are very low yield in units.

Actually, forget this. I'm saddened to report that I got a letter today from NEJM stating they're doing away with Journal Watch Online CME. UGH!

Specializes in Outpatient Psychiatry.
I do conferences as much to take a mini-vaca with tax write off and network with physicians, note I don't attend NP conferences unless I'm presenting. The average for a 3 day conference has been around 25 CEUs which I think is decent and at renewal I have way more than required by my state's BON. For my learning style the knowledge I get and retain is higher yield than doing independent activities on line or in a magazine.

The three (big sample, eh?) that I've been to have been for NPs with a yield of maybe 5 units, plus I have to drive from God's country down to the ghetto capital.

Specializes in Outpatient Psychiatry.
What is a good pace for CME? One conference or more per year? I have 5k per CY for CME so I am not sure how far that will stretch.

5k/yr will stretch A LONG WAY.

I have 1500 and was happy to have that considering the initial offer was 500, lol. I haven't used it near as much as I'd want because family commitments have precluded my distant travel. In the future, watch out! PsychGuy will be there, and I'll wear my nice pants too.

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.
In the future, watch out! PsychGuy will be there, and I'll wear my nice pants too.

Dude I will hook you up with my glitz and glamour conference list for good times, excellent eats and 20+ CEUs. Looking forward to eventually seeing those nice pants. :D

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

AANP, ENA, NTI are all good yield for CME

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Yeah all psych. :)

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