CES reevaluation

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Good Day!

I would like to ask how long does it take for me to get the CES re-evaluation report?

I called one of your rep and she said that it would take 8-10 weeks. and I just can't believe it because I just thought that since you already had my documents and all of it meet the US requirements, it would be faster than 2 weeks. my CES report just issued march 28 and I just really thought that I can have my CES re-evaluation ASAP since my initial expedited CES report is just issued 2 weeks ago (IT IS NOT AN OLD REPORT). I know that it is only been 3 days since I purchased the CES re-evaluation but it is just frustrating for me to wait another 8-10 weeks since I paid a lot of money ($500 + $210) and yet I have to wait that long. Hoping that you will answer my concern. Thank you and more power.


i understand that your eager to know the status of your application but often times there are some things that we have no control over. Just to let you know that the courteous Lady calling agent is not the same person who evaluates your CES application however i see no harm in calling her once a week.

Ultimately, you can only knew your CES status throught your cgfns account.

This is all my opinion the decision to call the lady is your personal choice and i dont want to give you a false sense of hope. in the meantime, use your waiting time for your nclex study session.

thanks for your concern, I really appreciated it.

Lem, check your status through cgfns account every day and call the agent lady once a week. i hope this helps

thanks for your concern, I really appreciated it.

no problem Lem. glad to help. if i am not online you can text on my number anytime if you have further inquiry.

Lem, check your status through cgfns account every day and call the agent lady once a week. i hope this helps

I would probably do that so that I could in the head of the game.

"the squeaky wheel gets the grease" - an Idiom that can be helpful to me now.

it takes about 8 to 10 weeks.I got my evaluated last year and took so long even though i also did my certification with it and they had my documents in advance but took so long to evaluate it .They take their time.........

it takes about 8 to 10 weeks.I got my evaluated last year and took so long even though i also did my certification with it and they had my documents in advance but took so long to evaluate it .They take their time.........

yes but in my case, they already have all of my documents and all of it met the US requirements, I would think that they will not do all the works unlike my previous report since they already had the results. did also purchased the CES reevaluation?

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