trying to download the crna forum:

Specialties CRNA


For the last few days I have not been able to download any of the forums, however, I can receive the threads from the home page. I am wondering if anyone else is having this problem and who can we contact to let them know?

I am not sure I understand what you are getting at. the person to tell, is brian. Can you describe the problem a little more thouroughly?

When I try to highlight a forum topic , for example CRNA forum, the thread does not come up. I can go to the " todays active thread" section where I can pull up different forums. But I can't go directly to any forum from the "Nursing discussion board", I have never had this problem before.

hmmm, which browser are you using, and have you tried another one to confirm the problem. Otherwise, I can think of nothing to help you out. I will point Brian to this thread.

Specializes in ICU.

Sometimes the nursing discussions take about 30 secs to load. Is the "forum jump" menu bar working for you?

Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.


Hi, sorry to hear about your problem. I'm not quite sure what the problem could be? Have you tried logging out of the site and then re-logging back in? I would try that, and see if it changes anything? Maybe it is a cookie problem, and logging in/out will reset your cookies. If that doesnt help matters, please pm me with any more specific info that might help me troubleshoot the problem. Thanks and good luck!

Brian and Nilepoc:

Thanks for your reply. I was really going crazy not being able to figure it out. However, I think I have solved the problem. I just recently purchased Norton's internet security program and that is when the problem started to occur. When I turn off the Ad blocker on my security program I can now access the discussion forums. It was the excess pop ups that made me go by some software protection and of course the sales people convinced me that I need the total internet security package. And they are probably right, but I am barely computer literate and trying to set this up with out screwing up my computer has been a challenge. Although this my second computer and I have taken a beginner classes for computer use, I still have a long way to go. I still find problem solving in regards to computers very frustrating.

Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.

Ah ha! Sorry, I forgot that the Norton Ad blocker interferes with this forum, we had that same problem some time ago with another user. I'll have to remember that if another user has a similar problem. Thanks for the update!

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