certification question


Hi, I am new to this bulletin board and was very happy to see this particular forum. I work in an Early Intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays, and am also the parent of a young person with significant cognitive disability.

I notice on a couple posts a mention of "certification". Is this through the Developmental Disabilities Nursing Assoc (not sure I have the correct title, actually)? Or some other certification process? I would really appreciate an explanation of how you were certified and by what agency/organization, and if you feel it helped your career or found it otherwise worthwhile.


I would like to know more about certification also. I am an LPN in Iowa already working at a Day Program with DD. Thanks

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i notice on a couple posts a mention of "certification". is this through the developmental disabilities nursing assoc (not sure i have the correct title, actually)? or some other certification process? i would really appreciate an explanation of how you were certified and by what agency/organization, and if you feel it helped your career or found it otherwise worthwhile.


yes, you can obtain a dd nursing certificate as an lpn or rn. go to ddna.org for information. i plan to write for mine at the next national conference in columbus, ohio on may 1-3, 2005. you can purchase a study guide from developmental disabilities nurses association (ddna). they also have active chapters in several states. check out their site. :)

The Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association




The Developmental Disabilities Nurses Association

In 2002, a separate process and examination was completed for LPN/LVNs serving people with developmental disabilities. This project was a cooperative effort between D.D.N.A. and Health Education Systems, Incorporated.

The opportunity for LPN/LVNs to become certified is targeted to increase the quality of care for the people we serve. Many LPN/LVNs sat at the inaugural examination in St. Louis in May, 2002 and now are certified as LPN, DDC or LVN, DDC (Developmental Disabilities Certified).

The LPN/LVN examination is on computer while the RN examination has been a written, multiple-choice test since its inception. May 2003 was the debut of the updated RN Examination, also in a computer format.

Who is eligible? The minimum requirement is that candidates have 4,000 hours of experience (equivilent of two years full time) in Developmental Disabilities Nursing practice in the past five years - in addition to the other required documentation.

Go to the RNs or LPN/LVNs Certification Page to get more information

yes it it the developemental disability nurses association. you work with dd's for 2 years and study for the certification (there are helps thro the dd association, take the test, and you are it. you have to have a heart for this field. but---you get rewards every single day. :balloons:

hi, i am new to this bulletin board and was very happy to see this particular forum. i work in an early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays, and am also the parent of a young person with significant cognitive disability.

i notice on a couple posts a mention of "certification". is this through the developmental disabilities nursing assoc (not sure i have the correct title, actually)? or some other certification process? i would really appreciate an explanation of how you were certified and by what agency/organization, and if you feel it helped your career or found it otherwise worthwhile.


yes it it the developemental disability nurses association. you work with dd's for 2 years and study for the certification (there are helps thro the dd association, take the test, and you are it. you have to have a heart for this field. but---you get rewards every single day. :balloons:

hi, i am new to this bulletin board and was very happy to see this particular forum. i work in an early intervention program for infants and toddlers with developmental delays, and am also the parent of a young person with significant cognitive disability.

i notice on a couple posts a mention of "certification". is this through the developmental disabilities nursing assoc (not sure i have the correct title, actually)? or some other certification process? i would really appreciate an explanation of how you were certified and by what agency/organization, and if you feel it helped your career or found it otherwise worthwhile.


Specializes in Home Health Care,LTC.

Thanks for the info everyone

Does anyone know where to find instructions about how to use the Denver II Developmental Screening Test for children?


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