Central Carolina Technical College

U.S.A. South Carolina


Hey everyone! I am just curious if there is anyone else that has applied to the ADN program at Central Carolina Tech this time around? I believe the deadline was March 16. I was wondering if anyone knew when we are supposed to get our letters as to whether we got in sent out? Best of luck to everyone who has submitted their package!

I just got my acceptance letter too!! So happy and excited! And nervous lol

Does anyone work full time? I have to figure out what I'm going to do. I guess I'll be going to 3rd shift 😁 I can't focus right now, I just knew I wasn't going to get in. Congrats to everyone

I don't. I'm not sure if you're allowed to work full time or not while going. I remembering hearing someone say something like that. Can't be sure though.

I know some people that did, but everyone I talked to said they don't recommend it, I have to cut all the way back for studying, I'll probably do fri,sat and Sunday's. Right now I'm just too excited and still in shock, I have 3 months to figure it out, my husband will pull the load.

Yeah at least we have more time to get things prepared than if we got accepted into the Spring semester. I know my husband will pull the load as well. The school will be tough for sure we I know it's going to be worth it in the end! I'm still in shock over the news!

I'm right there with you, It feels so surreal

Yay! Congrats everyone. I do not currently work, but I have been through a nursing program once already (long story) and you can work, but it is hard. Some people find that they have better time management when they work. It just depends on you. I have been waiting 3 years for my second chance. I am beyond happy and excited and a little nervous since I have an idea of what to expect, although this is a different school.

Congrats to all, I wonder how many people are in our class.

I guess we will see when we have our orientation how many people got in. How long were you in the nursing program before at your other school if you don't mind me asking? As for working I know with myself I don't think I could work and go through nursing school. Have any of you gotten your CPR cert yet? I need to do mine.

I have my cpr/ first aid certification because I work in a retirement home and we have to have it.

Thats good. One less thing for you to do. I wish I knew what we needed to buy already so I could be looking around.

Yes, I've been looking online for white shoes and a watch. We have a whole month before orientation before we really know what to get.You can go online and look at the syllabi for the nursing courses.That maybe helpful, so I've been looking at those.

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